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Pooler Jones was in ADAM to be COCKBOY in a show at the Mokum Gallery. Though I'm the one who used that term. He had posed - painted and naked, ithyphallic and horned - and the gallery had stuck the photo in a front window for the shock value. This is one of only a handful of pictures I have of Pooler - his features are 'blurred' enough to pass Kenny's Test of Hiding in Plain Site. Steganographic Coding. He and Barber Perfect had been arguing and picking at each other throughout the entire month which we all spent in Amsterdam. Skippy was sick of it - he could get along with either of them when he and one of the 'brothers' were alone, but when the 'family' got together it would not take ten minutes until Pooler and Barber were reminding each other of the power of their Assholes to pilot their personalities. Pooler got the Artiste to change the name of the photo just for the exhibition at the Mokum Gallery. Now it was called: "Papal Bull: De Rure Bovensi." Of a Field of Oxen. Or: From Cattle Country. This was months before Slag and I began our researching of the Diabolus in Musica. Months before either of us had ever heard the names: Quinte du Loup, Wolf Fifth, or Hyacinth Boboni. When Barber saw the picture's name he went ballistic. Strange Prussian syllables followed by Pooler's riposte in even stranger Occitanese invective. They called each other Motherfuckers in 4 or 5 dead tongues and dialects. Lucky's got Linguistic skills and he soaks this shit up like a chammy. There is an argument in the family about what to do with the Bones of Baruch Spinoza. Barber can be such a dickhead child about things like this. His attitude was that he had Stolen them First and therefore he had the 1st claim. His 12 Point Aryan Chin would quiver indignantly. His Cornflower Blue eyes would mist in Righteousness & Rectitude. Pooler just laughed. The 'brothers' were about the same height - both tall enough for the SS - but Pooler was wiry & taut. His Mediterraneo features all Olive & Swarthy. Some Vandal had done an Oh-Dark-30 on the window of the Mokum Gallery behind which Pooler's picture stared back all Papal Bullish & Bhel. Someone had used a stencil to spray a blood-red Sigil on the window in an effort to either hide or brand the picture. The Sigil was of Murmur - one of the original Fallen Angels - and had been used by a Nazi SS Oberstgruppenführer who sat with SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler at the Schloss Wewelsburg as one of the 12 Nazi Knights of the Black Table. Barber called Himmler a "useful Idiot" - using the term which the Commies used to describe Liberals and Leftists in the West. In the end, Pooler didn't give a shit about the defacing of the gallery window with the Sign of a Demon. He laughed at the image of his 'brother' hunched over the desk in his hotel room and cutting the intricate stencil with a razor blade. And as for the choice of the Sigil of Murmur - Pooler winked at Skippy - "Hell, at least he understood the message sent." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speaking of Rebranding. Kenny 1st named the gnarly spike we now call Um Kassar - Haiphong Harbor. As our Amerikan Wars shift Kenny tries to stay au courant with his Patriotic Urges & Images. Um Kassar is part of the Font Structure of Our Lady of the Ligne Cathedral. The Font is a Baptismal System and is composed of several parts. Many of which are 'hung' underwater in a De Profundis Mudra. Baptism is not a child of Christianity. Jewish Sects like the Essenes had borrowed the Ritual from a long line of Neolithic Agricultural Rites connected with Purity, Washing, Cleaning, Immersion, and most importantly: Naming. Or Renaming. If a Lapp child gets sick the parents will Baptize and Rename it over and over until the Devil can no longer find the kid and the kid gets well. Devils only know you by Names: if they forget your name, or can't pronounce your name - or if you do not as yet have a Name then the Anshe Shem - "The Men of Names" - the Fallen Angels - in other words: the Devils and Demons and their Imps - they can have no power over you at all. The Demons are associated with Filth and Dirt, Rot and Shit, Pestilence, Plague and Disease. If you Wash, Bathe, Purify & otherwise Value the Clean, you will be surprised at how much 'Disease' goes away. It's a Memetically Favored Act. Baptism, Spinoza would grin, is Inevitable because it's Necessary. All the Necessary gets Holy in a community with a Religious perspective. God gave the Jews 666 Commandments - if you add correctly - most of them keep a Jew Kosher on all Jewish Dimensions. When the Monkeys first started to cook their meat they added 15 years to their Life Expectancy. When the Monkeys started to Wash and keep things Clean they added 15 more. Suddenly, a Monkey who could Cook and Clean could live to be 45 or 50. Claude Levi-Strauss caught onto these facts without seeing them because they were still embedded in the Cultural Code and not yet Explicit from where he sat. He thought Cooking and Cleaning were all about Iterations of the Binary Code: Nature - Culture. And they are. But Claude "Typed" that out as Raw & Cooked or even deeper: Profane & Sacred. So Cooking and Cleaning were rituals of Transformation whereby the Monkey moved Material from a raw, profane, uncooked, unprocessed, and unmediated, Nature Plane of Existence to the dimension of the cooked, sacred, and Cultural Plane of Being. That's what Man is: a Transubstantiator. And that, sniffed Levi-Strauss is how the Mind works. It does Alchemy. Being Symbolic allows us Priests to work such miracles. All True enough - and True with a Big 'T' - but Dawkins, and E.O. Wilson and all their Sociobiological, Evolutionary Psychological Imps will tell you that's only half the tale. That's just the World from the Phenotype's perch - from the Chicken's point of view. If you look at the world like an Egg - like a Genotype - from the more Eternal perch - then Baptism & Cooking and all the rest of our Rebranding and Reprocessing are actually functioning as Disease and Infection Barriers. Monkeys who will act in these ways will survive better and so will their Rituals and so will their Eggs. The End-Unit of Salvation is the Code and not its Translations. To the Monkey, Baptism is about becoming New and Rebranded, and ReNamed on the Eternal Plane where the Eggs live Forever. As a Ritual, it's an easy sell because of its Functional Duality - it works on both levels of Nature and Culture. We call such a dynamic: Natural Selection. Postmodern Biology will tell you that Natural Selection is what the Etics call God. And they are right. But like Claude Levi-Strauss they may not have gone deep enough with the theory. In the Postpost Science of Semiosis the Etics will tell you that Biology is on the Mezzanine - hovering - but not yet Grounded. "Darwin Dies", is their motto, "but the Code Abides." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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In the 16th Century - just before Spinoza - the good Keltic Katholics of Ireland would Baptize all of a Male child except his Right Arm. That they would leave Dirty and Pagan, so that - like Old Shatterhand - the Arm would kill its enemies with a single blow. Witches eat the Unbaptized Kinder on Walpurgisnacht. In Zentrum Europa they said the Jews did the same thing on the same night. In England, if a Kinder Cries at its Baptism it is Expelling a Demon. But Across the North Sea in old Prussia - by Königsburg - the Emics will tell you that a child who cries when the gods wash him will not live to be old. The Nordic Ceremony of the Vatni Ausa - 'sprinkling with water' - was done by a Warrior or a Bauer Man as the method of Claiming that the Child was his own. Baptism is how the Community or the Sippe claims you as one of their own. All 3 levels: the Sippe, the Child, and the DNA will tell you that Baptism is all about them. All 3 are half right.
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This Indexical Prose sits next to Chuck Le Brun's grand Oil: The Fall of the Rebel Angels (La Chute des Anges Rebelles) which was painted about the time of Baruch Spinoza's death. The theme of the Fallen Angels came bursting out of the Euromind between the 15th and 17th Centuries - 200 years of the Pax Diaboli. Spinoza thought Angels - Steadfast or Fallen - were silly. Jung called the Fallen Angels "a premature invasion of the human world by unconscious contents . . . Soulless beings who represent nothing but the thoughts and intuitions of their lord." The fact that the Judeo/Christian Cosmos contained Rebellion Scenarios where Parts of Divinity turned Back on Themself is Muy Muy - as Skippy says when he puzzles out loud in his 'Fool's Spanish'. God created the Angels - the 1st Draft of the 'Others' - out of Himself. As for the Materia, there was nothing else to use but Himself. So god and his angels were the 1st System - a functioning Whole composed of Harmonious Parts, Self-Created, Self-Sustaining, Self-Regulating. Very Paradisio in a long, long, eternal, Loop. Homeostatic . . . or damn near. But the Ennui was Baudeliareian. The boredom was inflating. The Parts were Crying out for Absinthe or Strega. So in a Systems Reiteration with a Wobble - there spurted out this Emergent Phenomenon (which can be a real pain-in-the-ass for Systems), this Ficksaft of the gods which we call Monkeys. Or Men. The names are coterminous because Men don't know they are Monkeys. Christopher Walken does. And so did the Angels. First born don't often cotton to their Little Brothers. Sometimes they want to kill them. Sometimes they just want to Merge with them and blur the Boundaries. So the Angels were of two-minds when it came to the Monkeys. Kill them or Fuck them. From here you can write the script yourself. Spinoza turned every thought that he had ever had on god back to a Levi-Straussian dichotomy: the Inevitable - and the Necessary. God may be Omni-Omni, but he's absolutely Bound by his own Nature. God cannot create a Universe which is anything less then Himself. Or anything More than Himself. God could not Not Create the Universe he Is. There is no Place to Stand outside of God. Everything else Follows of Necessity. Pangloss and Leibniz were Right about the Rightness of the World - but they did not understand How they were Right - so they became Bathetic and we use them now as Analogs for Fools. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Warning! Do Not Touch the Volk/Sippe Button!
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Actung! Berühren Sie Sich Nicht das Knopfvolksippe!
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Once, in Vienna, Barber and Lucky did the Feé Vert until they simultaneously hallucinated Hieronymus Bosch holding his nose and screaming: "The Archangels smell like saddle sweat!"
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Azzael taught women how to paint themselves and use moisture from herbs & flowers to enhance the aroma of their sexuality. He was a great teacher, like Buddha & Jesus but without all the constrictions of all their fucking rules. He taught men how to shape and sharpen things with which to kill each other and how to distill the same herbs & flowers & get wisdom & drunk and chase visions & women until they showed their secrets to you & then lie to them both about never telling so that they will let you put your dick in them. Azzael was the Devil, the Older Brother of Man.
The Click. Get it? Pooler and Skippy were Wenching at the Caribbean Dance Klub Margaritas on the toney Reguliersdwarsstraat. Watchers were selling X, KAT, Speed in all stripes, and Hash soaked in a vat of Homemade DMA or PCP - the Watchers couldn't say which. On the way in we passed a fat man who was vomiting and jacking off on an old BMW 750cc Motocyclette. Pooler remarked that the man was losing too much of himself in his eruptions. Maybe god felt the same way. DJ Chainsaw had the mob baying and the room reeked of coursing hormones and lubricants. The Band was wasted and a beat and a half behind so they were surging and urging and trying to catch up. Pooler had his Snake Eyes on so people backed up if they could and gave us berth. It was the end of a hot spring day at the end of May - Donderdag, if memory serves. Thor'sDay. The Day of Thunder. Half the Monkeys in the room wanted to Fuck the other half or themselves - it didn't matter. The other half wanted to beat each other to death or themselves - it didn't matter. Pooler has Perfect Pitch and plays every Stringed instrument on Earth. And half the Woodwinds. He's an honest Tenor with a Vocal Range of 4 Octaves in Full Voice and a full Octave in Falsetto. Pooler says that he can make some chicks cum by singing alone. And it's not the song, per se . . . its the Vibrational Frequencies and how they are mixed and punctuated. He's got to get close to it, he says, and sometimes a little bit in it. But it's the Waves of Pure Sound that do it. Unlock it . . . the Click. Chicks are grateful for Songs like that, he says. But then that's the purpose of Song anyway. So Pooler's Gift of Song is simply a Recapitulation in 'Type.' Nature has engineered all Life-Systems with Ears to use them to get Laid. Using Sound to sense Danger is an Exaptation - secondary and Zen where Zen means a 'Happy Accident.' Animals use Sound to Woo the Other to them. It is said that Angels don't have Genitalia and that their Sexual Medium is Singing. Bullshit, says Pooler. Some angels got Dicks and some got Muschi. Some don't. Some just Sing in their Choirs - and angels come in a full Octave of Choirs & sometimes more. Like when there's a Diabolus in Musica and there is a tonal problem between certain Intervals . . . | ![]() |
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What does a Font Recapitulate? If it's all a Code - and All the Same Code - then a Font needs a Gamut of Meanings as it Iterates across the Levels and Correspondences. A Font is a Spring or a Source. So Font has associations with Beginnings. When you are the Font of something you are the Source - as in a Place - and you are the Beginning - as in Time. Words like Font, Spring, and Source are naturals for Metaphors because they describe more than one dimension just sitting there. Christians put their Baptismal Fonts in the back of their churches - at the Entrance, to Recapitulate in Architecture the Semantic Field of the Font and to marry that to their Purpose. Which is to usher a new Christian Yoot into the Community of the Saved. Rebrand the little Pagan - Sister Samuel was lasar-coherent on that: all babies are born little Pagans with the Stench of Original Sin oozing from their little pores. It was Baptism which ReBranded them for Jesus. You were born from the Pit - the female Muschi being the Monkey-Level Prototype for the Types of Hell and Sheol, Gehenna, Hades and Tartarus and the other Pits of Emergence. So you had to come Clean in the Water and be Born Again from it - squeaky clean and ready for a long life of Denial and Sublimations. When Kenny planned the Font for our Cathedral we knew it had to be Limnal & Liminal. Like all the Parts to the Cathedral it had to hide in plain site. Go Stegno. But a Font was a Stoup - a bassin or vessel to hold water. If we were going to blend the Font into the Water itself it became a design problem to engineer in the dimension of "containing." Bingo! We had Ricursoed back to the Nature of Semiotics, Meaning, and Reality it fuckingself! The Tension, living as Matter, while composed of Information, was between Container and Contained. Even the Buddha got into the Dialect when he harummmphed his fat ass and said: "Water is Round in a Round Container, and Square in a Square Container, because Water has no Shape. People forget this - if they ever knew it at all." Symbols are Containers for Meaning. But they point somewhere else, somewhere Backward on the Type Cycle. You need to get back to the Font of things to uncover Meaning. So Kenny did what god did, as we all must - being Types of gods ourselves - he fucking exploded the Unity of the Problem into Component Parts. He Erupted into fertile seedlings - each a perfect Mirror of the Part and the Whole. He Scattered them into a Field. The Zebra Mussels will give them Skins - Kenny just gives them a Form. | |||||||||||||
John the Baptist - the Precursor - the Antitype of the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah - Using Northrup Frye's vocabulary of Typology where an Antitype is the Expression in Form of an earlier Type - John the Baptist is the Christian version of the Shaman-Prophet, a figure as old as the Monkey himself. Prophecies should be made near water, or from the water. When you Civilize the Water - transform it from Nature to Culture - the Source becomes a Well. Or an Ornate Fountain in the Fields of the Dead. It is not a Semiotic Accident that Fonts, Springs, Wells & their Sources are Equated with Prophecy. Or that the Prophet of Christ should be Typed near Water as a Baptist. And it's way more complicated and easy than simply that Christ is himself an Antitype of the Fish both Above and Below - but that's a start. The problem with following Fish thru their Typology in Symbol Systems is that you will pass thru the Upper Paleolithic, and the Lower, and all the Ages and Iterations back to the Sea. It's the Sea which is the Font of the Code. | ![]() |
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We were goosed. Toasted. Whatever the Hash was soaked in was tuned to the frequency of Neon so Pooler and Skippy and their Gummimuschi du Soir - two Belgian girls with broad bottoms and faces like the Potato Eaters in Van Gogh - were bouncing back down along the Reguliersgracht. Pooler was looking for the remnants of the Convent of the Nuns Regular. He says the canal was dug in 1664 and that he and Spinoza had watched them dredge. It was called the Half-Moon Canal until the Convent took over the topology and shifted the metaphor. He is telling the 4 of us a scandalous story about a Nun named Groot Maria who was a legend on the Half-Moon Canal. And then suddenly he has us all entrained in this loud, drunken song in a Roundelay:
Moses had a Sister 1 Becomes 2. 2 gets to 3 |
Pooler and I had lied to the Dancing Belgian girls at the Klub - we told them we were brothers, and Passersby, and that we were not Amerikans but Anshe Shem. Well, part of it was a lie. So they lied back at us and told us they were sisters, and Virgins, and then asked what was Anshe Shem? They're the Fallen Angels, Skippy told them, leering at the smaller Belgian whose name rimed with 'gedanken.' But then Pooler had to lean in with the minutiae and explain that originally - back in the Font - only 2 of the Rebel Angels were called Anshe Shem: Azza and Azzael. Azza means 'the strong,' and Azzael means 'god strengthens.' These 2 were original cut-ups. Azzael was one of the Chiefs of the Altkamphers - the 200 who willingly Fell. The crime was not Pride but Monkey-Fucking. Azza & Azzael - Sons of God - could not keep their hands off the Daughters of Men. When the Nazis Recapitulate that sin and lose their own Divinity they too have been seduced by Jewesses, Yeshiva Girls - like the Gummi-Girl chained to the wall along the Kolk. Every morning this Punk Leather Fetish Shop brings out the Gummi-Girl in a 'Fuck-me, fuck-me' leather or rubber or plastic dress. Every night they unchain her and bring her safely inside the store. They know damn well that Vampires like Pooler and Skippy and the Belgian Virgins who are really not Sisters would steal the Gummi Girl - just like Barber Perfect stole the body of Baruch Spinoza before his funeral at Den Haag - they would take her in the Dutch Night and visit atrocities upon her. The Jews who believe in Demons will tell you that it was the Anshe Shem - Azza & Azzael who created the Sedim, the Assyrian Guardian Angels, and they did it by Jacking Off and Cumming their Apopoeitic Ficksaft on the belly of Naamah, the daughter of Lamech, before god had enough and sent the flood to Clean the world of Nephilim, Anakim, and the Anshe Shem. The term means: Men of Names. Most of the Etics will insist that Azza and Azzael have been Chunked and that the 2 are really 1. That's the problem with Names. Names are meant as Types and like Types they slip back and forth in each other until there is no telling which is one or the other or whether they're brothers or sisters or liars. Cockboy got Tagged with the Sigil of Murmur, skippy whispered to the smaller Belgian, and then she said Yes. And she didn't care what that meant. Recapitulating Humanity. | ||||||||||||||
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Click the Sigil of Azzael - left - and be taken to the Prototype of all Falling things: La Chute des Anges Rebelles. Be Warned. It's not a Pretty Story. Click the Whirligig - right - and slip with Spinoza back into Yeshiva where Rambam and the Kabbalists Battle for his Soul and for the Soul of the Fallen World. Should Satan be Forgiven? Should Evil at long last be recognized as Brother to the Good? Or like Azza and Azzael - are Good and Evil One?
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The purpose of Women in the Code is to Water the Sippe. Nourish the Volk. If Champagne were not imagined as above there would be something wrong in the Transcription. Gaia is the Font of the Code. As is the Sea. The two are always Female in Monkey Myths - and, in fact, most Nations imagine their Country as Female. If you look at this poster for a long time you will be overwhelmed with metaphor - that's how you know when the code is still fecund - it spins out associations & correspondences. Working Codes beg to be Decyphered. They are Wanton. Promiscuous. DNA is a Slut - but her Monkeys are gods.