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They called him Ahasver because it minded them of Ahasuerus, the Persian King who was not a Jew but whose name became for the Jews the perfect name for a Fool. He was also known as Buttadeus, a word that laughs at god. |
The Nazis called him: Der Ewige Jude and to them the Apocryphal tale of The Eternal Jew was Auctoritas for The Final Solution. Blood and Soil - those were the tools necessary. Blut und Boden - both feed from and off each other in an eternal braid.
Jesus was hauling his Cross up Golgotha when he was sucker-punched by a Jew. In some of the stories the Jew was a Porter serving Pontius Pilate. In others Buttadeus is an Oberst in the Sanhedrin. In most of the legends the Wandering Jew is a simple Cobbler with Anger-Management problems. He's a Shoemaker and in the stories he laughs at the bloody Christ because the Messiah is moving too slowly and he's bleeding on everyone's shoes. "Schnell!" Screams the cobbler at Christ. "Bidnez is Bidnez and I ain't got all day." Jesus takes a deep breath, spits a gob of blood on the Jew's sandals and says: "I shall stand and rest, but thou shalt go on till the last day." Sister Samuel used to get wet on this story - it had such a round Christian Typology. So the Cobbler Jew is cursed - like his whole People, blood being blood - to wander the earth until the 2nd Coming of the Bloody Lamb. "The Jew will live forever," the runt nun said, "until Jesus comes again and finally forgives him." Broken Vessels indeed. | ![]() |
Et Voila! Scriptural Auctoritas for the Diaspora. `Just So Stories' for sleepy Kinder as they puzzle at the world. The tale of The Wandering Jew is huge in German myth and history - Heilgeschichte und Geschichte. And not just as a Cautionary Tale in Christology, but as Midrash where all of the PaRDeS drain it of its meanings. Peshat hands Remez the shovel it needs, while earnest Derash blushes as Sod bares the mystery. The thing about the Jew in Europa is that his Blood is not from the Soil of Europa. So his soul had been formed in alien mud. Ausländer. The Wandering Jew, condemned to shuffle thru space and time and never cease his suffering. His Existence. In the tales, the Jew quickly converts to Christianity and becomes a Kikijew, a Converso, a Marrano - and in the tales you can smell him coming. "Noli me tangere! Unclean . . ." Like the Comte St Germain, or Elvis, and Fulcanelli. Like Pooler and Barber Perfect and the perfect Jayne Hill - Passersby. Like UFOs - many have sworn that they have seen him, and talked with him, and thrown him crust.
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Himmler had a hardon and that too was about blood. If you were a 3rd Person Omniscient Narrator you might imagine Irony where in truth there may only be Probabilities & Statistics. Demographics - and that was the SS Reichsführer's real problem. To seal the deal in the East the Reich would need 1000 Divisions and then - to keep the Reich's Peace - 10,000 more. Deutschland desperately needed sons and a Division or 2 of the right kind of daughters. But here lurked a dirty little secret which Himmler kept close: After Germany was finally “reunited” in 1871 a pathologist and politician “set about compiling national statistics about the color of the eyes, hair and skin of German schoolchildren.” It took 10 years and “measured” 10 Million kinder. Rudolf Virchow, the patho/poli, predicted the results would show “a large majority of fair-skinned, blue-eyed dolichocephalics, particularly since `non-Germans and Jews' were excluded.” Fear and Loathing. The study found that only a small minority of the population “could be regarded as being of Nordic stock.” And they all lived in north Germany. The rest were shades of mixture and mongrel and mud, mud, mud. Selection. That’s the key term in most Nazi contexts. If the German race was to recover its blood purity there was going to have to be rigid forms of Selection. Selection does not just place you on the Bus; it can also kick you off the Bus. And as the Merry Pranksters so eloquently put it: “You’re either On the Bus or Off the Bus.” Hans Gunther set the rules: Tall, long head, narrow face, well-defined chin, narrow nose with very high root, soft fair (golden blond) hair, receding light (blue or gray) eyes, pink white skin color. Is that too much too ask? Hans and the other lads at RuSHA - the Race and Settlement HQ - were Rassenprüfers. Race examiners. Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt. They found different types of Germans: Nordic, Westphalian, Dinaric and Baltic. RuSHA figured they could “eliminate all traces of impure blood within a few generation, a century at most.” Outbreed all them little dark Bavarians with dark-eyes and hair. Like Hitler. Until 1936 the SS refused to accept any man into its ranks who had even a tooth filled. After that things loosened up. Every SS Mann had a SS Pedigree Book called a Sippenbuch which showed unsullied Aryan blood dating back to the 30 Years War. RuSHA was responsible for Racial Values and therefore for Valuable Racial Property like Blonde Girls with good thighs for bearing children. And their Children. | |||||||||||||
Then came the 1935 Nuremberg Laws which forbade marriage or sex between Jews and Germans. It also stripped Jews of civil rights. From now on Himmler and the department underneath him would run the Selections which would improve the racial stock of the Germans, and supervise all marriages of Pure Blood Germans, and take the job of educating children in State run schools guided by the SS. RuSHA followed the thinking of Dr. Wilhelm Schallmayer and his book: Inheritance and Selection in the Life of Nations. It preached these things: youth must be made to see that Motherhood was the noblest career for all Selected women. Society should judge Women by how many Kinder they spawn. The Family should be a Cult. That inheritance laws should be fixed to encourage these things. That women should not work outside the home if at all possible. That sexual disease in any stripe should be fought. That returning Warriors should be invited to “Special Homes” where Selected Aryan Blondes were waiting with open thighs to have their fields ploughed and fruited. Sex, RuSHA believed, was not a private affair but a proposition to improve the Volk. So “Every SS man intending to marry must obtain the approval of the Reichsführer SS.” Pedigree books between the bitch and the stud would be the arbitrator of the union. That and all Males sent in pictures of themselves naked and all females sent pictures of themselves in bathing suits. Heiny and Barber Perfect with a small crew would pour over the pictures and decide matches. | ||||||||||||||
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"The concept of Blood and Soil gives us the moral right to takes as much land in the East as is necessary to establish a harmony between the body of our Volk and the geopolitikal space."
Walther Darré popularized the term Blut und Boden. Blood and Soil had long been a Meme in Zentrum Europa and in the age of Freud and Jung the term had been swollen with the addition of Soul. Spengler was right! Every Land invests its Volk with its Soul. And the Soul of the Deutschen Volk was sorely cramped and in need of Liberation. The Treaty of Versailles was seen as Theft and Rape, pure and simple. International Jews, Bankers, Masons and Communists - not that there was any difference - had stolen huge swaths of the Fatherland and were feasting off them and having their way. So there were 2 things to do: 1. Get more Land. Look to the Mythic East, long promised to the Aryans as Lebensraum. 2. Re-Agrarianize German Culture. Spengler painted the Age of Cities as the end of a Civilization. The Soul of the German Land could not thrive in Ironworks and city grids. Himmler and Darré painted the Jews as Ausländers and City rats - vermin spreading vermin. They got piss-drunk at the Hofbrau Haus in München and drew crude plans for huge rural settlements built around the ancient order of Teutonic Knights in their SS Totenkopf regalia - guarding and watering the Sippe. Slammin' Schnapps & Dunkel . . . | ||||||||||||||
"To preserve the farming community as Blood-Font of the German People."
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"Das Bauerntum als Blutquelle des Deutschen Volkes erhalten."
After WW1 only 1 in 4 German women between 25-30 could hope to find a husband. Wars drink Studly men. Then there was Modernism: birth control and the emancipation of women. “Births in Germany between 1915 and 1933 showed a drop of 14 million in comparison with the period between 1896 and 1914.” Worse: In 1885 - 37 million Germans had produced the same number of children as the 67 million in 1935. The German World Tree was dying in its roots. Women had to return to the home and family: Küche, Kinder, Kirche was the old way. The right way. Men would always want to fuck - nothing wrong there. But the breeding bitches had to return to the den. The SS let out the correct attitude: intellectual women, childless women, working women were to be shunned and mocked. They were traitors to the Reich. The Reich needed 200 Million Aryans to farm the eastern lands while they ruled the world. Hitler called the emancipation of women an “unnatural symptom, like parliamentary democracy.” Goebbels said it clearly: “A woman’s duty is to be attractive and bear children. ... The removal of women from public life ... is only to restore their female dignity.” Since women were emotional and not rational, the Party said, they could no longer serve in any judicial office. For a time female Doctors were barred from practicing. Most women in the Reich applauded all of this. Take a lesson. It was all in the national interest. Fashion shifted to highlight the new German woman: tall, infallibly blonde, hair tied back at the nape of the neck or plaited on top of her little Aryan skull. And big Hips. Suddenly, thin was out. Big Hipped Farm Nazi Girls were in. Make up became un-German & decadent. On Berlin busses, women wearing makeup were called whores and traitors. Slim hips became selfish & cheated the Reich out of superbabies. |
By August 1939 at least 3 Million “German mothers had been decorated and belonged to what the man in the street called the `Order of the Rabbit’” - the Kaninchenorden. Women wearing their medals were entitled to the Hitler Salute. Often these Super Mothers were entitled to a slave girl from the east “so that the fertility of the German mother should not be diminished by physical work." Not one of the 18 million German women devoted to their womb work was sent to a factory before 1943. The other side of the coin was the war on homosexuality, prostitution and abortion. Advertising condoms was outlawed. “Interrupting the pregnancy of an Aryan German woman was considered an act of sabotage of Germany’s racial future...” Under the Weimar, abortion had been punished with a fine of 40 DMs. The penalties under the Nazis were Draconian. The abortion rate went from a million a year in 1933 to 200,000 in 1938. Homoness was seen as robbing the Reich of cannon fodder. Homoshit in the SS was punished by death. "Himmler had his own nephew, SS Obersturmfuhrer Hans Himmler, `liquidated’ at Dachau” for Homopoking. Childless couples were encouraged to breed thru the Marriage Loan: they received 1000 DMs and for every child they had they could deduct one-quarter. Four Kinder got the whole loan wiped away. By 1939 1,212,000 marriage loans had been given of which a million no longer needed to be repaid. The 1938 Divorce Law added sterility or a refusal to breed as grounds for divorce. Within 2 years 80% of Divorces were husbands ditching wifeys for their “inability to give them children.” Finally the Fuhrer stepped in and “decided to make a fundamental change in the existing laws of marriage immediately after the war and introduce Bigamy.” The Catholic Church was rightly perceived as a Satanic influence on Deutsche fertility. Romantic dreamers that the Nazis were they envisioned that in Bigamy each wife would spur the others on to “approach the ideal in every respect.”
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Roll over the Hitler Landscape to the left. That's a model SS Bauer Haus - a farmstead. RuSHA was going to build tens of thousands of them in the "recovered" land in the East. Most of the Slavs who were already on the land would catch a train elsewhere. Some of the Slavs would stay on as Slaves to work the stead. The example which Himmler wanted to follow was borrowed from the Karl May "Old Shatterhand" novels - the Amerikans had once again pioneered that type of land grab. The Tribes would dissolve back into the soil from whence they had sprung. New Men from a New World Order would replace them and then make the Land their own while the Land remade them in its own image. Only a handful of Luddites like Thomas Mann were warning "how the Mystically oriented sensibility is inherently susceptible, and vulnerable, to exploitation by Right-Wing Totalitarianism." Fuck him, " said Darré to Himmler, how many SS would stay "Open Behind" after RuSHA got finished with them? Himmler was betting that the Myths he was letting loose could be controlled by the Party. The Vatican had its Jesuits and Dominicans for that kind of Crowd-Control - Himmler had the SS. He had, in fact, designed the Black & Silver uniform of his Schutzstaffel from the robes of his old teachers - the Jesuits.
Oh! Oh! Do me Ozzy! Do me! Do me! Jesus H. Muschisaft! Spengler can make a Menschenkenner cum in his Sippe - which is, cleaned up a bit, very much the thesis of his masterpiece. A Kultur is a Beast of its Land. Culture is Biography. Kultur is Biology. Landscape is Destiny because you cannot drain the Soul of the Land from its Beasts. Every culture owes its Inner Dynamics, its Ecosystem Dynamics, to its Topos. Its Place. Umwelt, Innenwelt, Weltanschauung. Men take their Mentalités from the Survival Systems which are "Affordable" to them from their Landscapes. They abstract the information embedded which they need. In the same way that the Monkey's Hand "Affords" grasping, gripping, and braciation so that the Hand is a Topological Transformation of Tree-Grammar and life on the Savannah - the Monkey's Mind and its Myths are also Topo-Transforms of Ecosystem Dynamics. We fear falling because our ancestors sought safety in the canopies of the trees. We have a craving for Sweets because they ate fruits and flowers. We see the Colors that we do because they Code for Ripeness/Sucrose Content from the same fruits and flowers. We love things that sparkle because Sparkle in Nature most often means Water. Sundown makes us want to go home. The deep Vowels in Monkey Languages evoke feelings of nostalgia and distance when we use them in poetry and songs. The Higher the Pitch, the closer to us is the action. Darwin and Spencer laid down the new Laws and Spengler and Jack London and Stephen Crane picked them up. Every thought in your head, every like and dislike, every belief and every creed is a distillation of the "Race, Place, et Milieu." All spirits are distillations of the Blood and Soil. The Nazis, themselves, living as they are, where they are, and when they are - are fully predictable from the Logarithms of their Blood and Soil. Your "Sitz im Leben" affords your nature. Ozzy thought the Nazis were foolish Romantiks - and they were. That's the Point. Ponder this: It took Great Britain 175 years to Industrialize - to move its economy and its mental ecology from Farm Life to City Factory Life. It took Amerika 75 years to accomplish the same - the Civil War acted as a bellows in that forge. It took Germany only 25 years to Industrialize. In one lifetime, in one memory. The pre-molded Mind cannot accept such radical change in so short a period. It sets a Kultur up for Romanticism, and Nostalgia for the Bucolic - the Mind "opens behind" for a Back to Nature longing. | ![]() |
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The German Identity Crisis is both between North/Prussia and South/Bavaria as well as between Industrial vs. Bucolic. Prussia forged its Militarism/Nationalism in its wars with France. Goethe believed that Germans were hampered in healthy Political/Nationalistic expression because of their Umwelt: they were effectively "Land-Locked," claustrophobically hemmed in. Their Soul's problem was that it could not expand, extend, reach out. Lebensraum. defined the Soul's dilemma. So only Militaristic Aggression would appeal to their politics. Spirit/Kultur should therefore compensate - Germany's "Interior Existence" could make up for its "material concentration." And it was Lucky's ancestor, Major Ferdinand Jean-Baptiste von Schill, who let the German Genie out of the bottle. Worse, if you tied the Deutsche Kulturgeist to the Material/Political/Nationalism Sphere then you could forge a dangerous myth of Cultural/Political/Racial Supremacy. Collective Schizophrenia became the Status Quo. Seduced by Military Gris-gris and the drive towards Conquest and Expansion - but girdled by Goethe, the admonishing Father Figure warning them about the drumbeat of the Prussian Army. Goethe Lost. From 1813 on German Yoots dreamed of becoming Soldiers, not Philosophers. They became "Uniform, booted, and spurred." Heinrich Heine - the Jew Poet - warned that the Crucifix was losing its Mana in Europa and that the "Old Stone Gods" were waking up and that they would "smash the Gothic Cathedrals." Johann Gottfried Herder got Goethe to rub himself down in Pantheistic Gee and to grok the resonance of Folk Tales, Folk Songs, and Folk Poetry. It was Herder who coined the term: Volksgeist - the Folk-Soul - the Collective Soul of the Volk and the Destiny that comes with it. The Volksgeist was the chain/link between the Individual, his Sippe, and Heaven. It was the Dynamo which activated and fed the Archetypes. Dharma speaks thru the Volksgeist. Herder preached the Spiritual Photosynthesis of the Volksgeist. "Thru the folksoul, mystical energies, the Vertu, the ordained destiny with which the cosmos had impregnated a particular Soil could find expression in the human spirit and thence return to the cosmos, thereby closing the circle and creating - or attesting to Universal Harmony." | ||||||||||||
That's Gustave Doré's "Wandering Jew" to the right. Roll Over it and compare it to Julius Streicher's Der Stürmer image. Streicher was the Gauleiter of Franconia which included the top Nazi cities of Munich and Nuremberg, and the Publisher of the most rabidly Anti-Semitic Newspaper in Germany: Der Stürmer. Before his Nazi avatar, Julius had been a Primary School Teacher. No one ever falls too far from his Sippe. Malchus, Cartaphilius, Ahasuerus - the Wandering Jew has a 100 names. Buttadeus glosses as: "God-Smiter." So that name probably came from Christian sources - all Latined Up for Auctoritas. But Ahasuerus is not from any Greco-Latin but is pure Hebrew. Kiki Etics go postal at the link between that Linguistic Origin and the idea that the Myth of the Wandering Jew arose as an answer to the "prevailing Jewish custom of cursing at the feast of Purim, in connection with the reading of the Book of Esther" - not only Haman is cursed but all stripes of Heretics like Persians, Ragheads, and Christians. So fuck you very much, the Kiki's say, and let this tale be an answer to such Jewish curses. It's more than interesting to note that Julius Streicher was Hung by the Amis in Nuremberg in 1946 - the only Nazi to be executed for a Non-Capital Crime - that of Propaganda. Most of the condemned came to the gallows and shit themselves - a few had to be propped up so that they could be killed. Not Streicher - he goose-stepped up to the Noose, screamed "Heil Hitler," and then grinned out over the assembled witnesses to the Round Nature of Justice. His last words were: "Purim Fest 1946!" | ![]() |
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