"Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos." Says Walter Sobchak to the Dude in The Big Lebowski. Indeed. Himmler and Barber Perfect were in charge of framing that Ethos. But "framing" is too neutral. "Creating" is closer to the truth. The Nazis rode into power on a Myth and in 1935 the Myth needed tweaking because the Facts kept colliding with the Romantik Ideals. For Hitler's 50 Birthday Himmler gave the Führer 2 boffo gifts: first, "a fine equestrian portrait of Frederick the Great by the German artist Adolf von Mensel," and then for the icing on the cake: a set of leather bound books with one special volume - The Research and Educational Society, the Ahnenerbe: Evolution, Essence, Effect. Barber says that books like that were lost on Hitler who never strayed far from popular wisdom - but that was the point: The Masses could never go further than Popular Wisdom - so Popular Wisdom would have to be sui generis & built to fit. |
"He marveled at how the past could be refigured to suit the present, at how fragile reality truly was when you started to twist it." Says Alan Furst, but Skippy took the line from Heather Pringle who used it in her book: The Master Plan: Himmler's Scholars and the Holocaust. Furst sums up the book's gist: "Dictators always have Theories, and always find Scholars to prove them." Making Nazi ideas plausible and reasonable to the outside world was hard work and the Nazis went out of their way to play their Faith to the Cheap Seats. Hitler had his own ideas about History: he believed that all human societies could be chunked into 3 groups: "the Founders of Culture, the Bearers of Culture, and the Destroyers of Culture." The Nazis said that only Aryans could be Founders and that the Jews & a few Others were the Destroyers. About Culture Bearers, the Nazis were sure that the Germans fit that Geschichte & they were determined to Soldier that burden all the way to the Urals and beyond if there were any Untermenschen left. All they needed was an Ethos.
Both Himmler and Hitler were huge fans of the American Lawyer and Eugenicist Madison Grant. Himmler had all 4 of his infamous Race Maps framed & gave them to Barber Perfect where they hang against a stone wall in his Schloss until this day. Grant's 1916 book: The Passing of the Great Race tried to deal with the entire "problem" of Race in the World. It had a Nordic mindset which gave Hitler a 4 hour Hardon. It was the 1st non-German book which the Nazis ordered translated and reprinted when they took power. Hitler wrote to Grant: "This book is my Bible." The subtitle of this Bible was: "The Racial Basis of European History." All the Cohens in time shiver. |
Grant was one of the Pioneers to openly advocate the Extermination of "undesirable traits and worthless race types." Selection, he said. Selection was the Ticket. Barber told Lucky that he and Himmler had literally "stayed up nights" arguing about the Dimensions, the Definitions, and the Dynamics of "Guided Selection." The Consequences of such a Selection would come up now and again - but good Schnapps & Dunkel tend to blur the Downer thoughts when you're on a High. Hitler's Bible was credited with steering very strong anti-immigration & Miscegenation policies in Post World War 1 America. Lestor Maddox with a Ph.d.
Click the Odin Button 4 times to see Madison's Race Maps
"A rigid system of selection thru the elimination of those who are weak or unfit - in other words social failures - would solve the whole question in one hundred years, as well as enable us to get rid of the undesirables who crowd our jails, hospitals, and insane asylums. The individual himself can be nourished, educated and protected by the community during his lifetime, but the state through sterilization must see to it that his line stops with him, or else future generations will be cursed with an ever increasing load of misguided sentimentalism. This is a practical, merciful, and inevitable solution of the whole problem, and can be applied to an ever widening circle of social discards, beginning always with the criminal, the diseased, and the insane, and extending gradually to types which may be called weaklings rather than defectives, and perhaps ultimately to worthless race types."
According to Grant, & therefore the Accepted Dogma of the 3rd Reich, there were only 3 Races in the Monkey Sippe: Caucasoids in Europa, Negroids in Africa, and Mongoloids in Asia & everywhere else. Caucs were further divided in a Trinity: Nordics from Germany, Scandinavia, Holland and Flanders, as well as from England, Scotland & the Mad Micks from Ireland. Some stragglers also in Northern France and East Prussian Poland. Alpines were from parts of France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Bavaria, as well as Poland & the Steppes of Russia into Asia. Your Mediterraneos hunkered in the sun of Southern France, the Spains, South Italy, Greece, and a small Sippe from an early invasion of Wales. Grant was an Ecosystem Dynamics type of dude so he figured that it was the harsh, cold, dark, cruel conditions of the North which had fostered & molded the Mind and the Morals and the Ethos of the Nordic Aryans - the Master Fucking Race. Your Nordic Monkey, he argued, had a better brain. Grant refused to shake hands with the Anthropologist Franz Boas because he was a Jew. And he was pissed off that Boaz was steering American Anthropology towards "Cultural" Anthropology when he saw the future of the discipline as "Hereditarian." In 1924 he was instrumental in passing the "One Drop Rule" into the State of Virginia's Racial Integrity Act. Himmler was worried about the One Drop Rule for the Reich. `Murmur ', his SS Oberführer for Statistics & Sundries, was warning the Reichsführer that the Volk's Numbers did not add up. |
Hans F.K. Gunther - a “racial writer” had estimated [early 1920s] that only 50 to 55% of Germans possessed any trace of Nordic blood. Later, it got worse, perhaps only 6 to 8% of Germans were Nordic purebreds. Another 45 - 50% could trace part of their lineage to Nordics. All the rest of the Germans were members of inferior races. By 1931 the SS had swollen to 10,000 members with lots of applications still pending. Himmler decided to accept only “young males of Nordic Blood,” and to do this he set up the Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt der SS - or the Race and Settlement Office of the SS, or the RuSHA. He chose Richard Darré to be the head of department. Soon, the RuSHA had developed a racial grading system. Now, SS applicants had to take a medical examination and submit a detailed genealogy chart and a set of photos of themselves. Barber argued with Himmler over an Essay Exam - he said that he could craft the Questions and Topic in such a way that it would yield the kind of information he was looking for without the author being aware that he had been probed. Himmler thought that was too Academic. Barber reminded the Reichsführer that Academics were exactly what they needed to put the stamp of Auctoritas on Nazi Theory & Theology. Himmler asked Barber how such things could Sort so well? So Murmur explained about how Selection in Nature does not just favor certain physical types but also certain mental types. "It's about Types is it?" Himmler asked. "Yes," said Barber. It's all about Types. And Sorting. For Selection. Himmler then asked his SS Oberführer for Statistics & Sundries if there was a way of Identifying men who could & would do Monstrous Things. "Easily," said Murmur. But, he asked Himmler - because Heiny's mind was easy to read - since we can't Kill them All, why don't we find the ones whose minds can be changed & molded to our Needs. "How can you do that?" Himmler was interested now. You Sort Them, said Barber. You design tests for them which make them choose among items of a certain Class & place them properly. Then you confuse them and ask them to do it again. "In the end you want to Measure things like Attention, Working Memory, and how these things react to Rule Changes." Himmler was hooked. Those who could be Saved would be those who could be Changed. The Reich needed Minds like the Orders of Angels - Hierarchal to the Bone & each with its Duty. |
“The products of human culture, the achievements in art, science and technology with which we are confronted today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan. That very fact enables us to draw the not unfounded conclusion that he alone was the founder of higher humanity and was thus the very essence of what we mean by the term man.”
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Himmler had a Plan to Save the Master Race and with it Rule the World. Poor Murmur was left with the Task of making Nazi Definitions stick. One of the problems with the whole Aryan Uber Mythos was - again - the numbers. “Between 1901 and 1939 alone, 21 Jewish scientists and scholars won Nobel Prizes” and that “30 percent of all Nobel laureates from Germany during this period were Jewish, although Jews accounted for just 1% of the German population.” And never mind that all other historians balked at the Tall-Blond explanation of culture: writing and culture had been invented by small brown people from the mideast, not by willowy ubermen from the Rhine valley. So here was Himmler’s problem: what to do with the inconvenient history which the rest of humanity clung to? How could he manipulate the Aryan into the mix of culture makers and bringers when nothing in history supported this? |
Barber & Heiny would talk about Sex & Selection long into the cold Bavarian nights. Himmler didn't drink much so Murmur would keep the Schnapps close to his armchair. Heinrich had a Chicken Farmer's interest in Sex - he was no where near as Puritanical as Hitler, in fact, under controlled conditions Murmur could talk Himmler into truly debauched and/or depraved adventures. The Reichsführer SS was slowly seizing control over all of Germany's Police and Intelligence Units - outside the Abwehr - and he knew where everything was buried in Zentrum Europa - all the things Men Like and Do that they don't tell the rest of the world. But his interest in Sex was obsessively directed at the Prize - the Goal. Nordic Science would be bent to that goal. Aryan Philosophy would be aimed - consciously or otherwise - at just that Goal. Himmler liked Murmur shitfaced. They would sit in the Gloom of German evenings and talk about Odin & his Sacrifice for his Sippe - the Teutons. The Gloomy Nords. Murmur would get thick & lugubrious and the two of them would imagine a Perfect World which would last a 1000 years. A Thousand Year Reich - a Perfect Mirror of the 1000 Year Oaks which the ancestors had formed their villages around. Himmler had the Volk doing that again - Planting "Ein Tausend Jahre Eichs" in their town centers. Axis Mundi for the Sippe and the Volk. So sure, Sex came up. |
Himmler got Hugo Boss to design the SS uniforms - and a swell job they did - basic black with silver collar flashes. Death’s head on their hats - which was supposed to symbolize: “Duty until Death.”. Himmler wanted the design to do 2 things: intimidate the squares, and turn on the girls for SS ploughing and seeding. There’s just something about a man all dressed in black and decked out with skulls which makes the frauleins wet. But Heiny was not in favor of his elite black knights fucking just any frau. Prize stock had to have fertile fields - so he set up medical examinations, genealogy charts and demanded photos of all the young pussy that wanted to breed with the Knights. Photos that Himmler and the RuSHA would linger over, choosing the choice cuisse. Himmler had last say in each marriage or coupling. “Should we succeed in establishing this Nordic race again from and around Germany and inducing them to become farmers and from this seedbed produce a race of 200 Million, then the world will belong to us.” So that was the goal: 200 Million Perfect Nordic Aryan Beasts. His New World Order. His goal was not only to produce a new Master Race but to wean that race away from soft city living. He saw the future Reich depending less on heavy industry and more on SS Knight Farmers, who, like Cistercians, would be living out on the frontiers bringing order to the neo-pagans. But hardly anything was left from the old glory days of the Teutonic farmer - so he was going to have to make it up as he went. A perfect gig for a guy like Himmler. He had spent a good part of his youth, with his father, combing “musty ruins and grassy battlefields for old coins and broken pots,” etc - so he knew that Archaeology and other sciences could be friend to his goals. If his “SS researchers could recapture the minute details of primeval Aryan life, if they could peer into shrouded time to recover the lost thoughts and ideals and deeds of the ancient Nordic conquerors, then Himmler would have the exact blueprint he needed to indoctrinate the young men of the SS.” And once he had the SS of his dreams then the Problem of the Others could be dealt with. Not that either part of the plan - Generation or Extermination could wait. He would do them both at Once. While the Left Hand Chopped the Right Hand would Shop. There was Nordic Blut outside the Reich and it had to be Redeemed. |
1st things 1st. What the fuck is the Volk? The problem with the term and the concept is that no one had as yet taken the "Folk" out of the "Volk." The way the Romantics had used the word clogged it up with Anecdote & Just So stories. Charming tales to calm or scare the Kinder. Folklore needed to become the kind of Science which the Party could use and fall back on when the Goobers faltered and started to question. Folklore needed to be elevated - transformed. Maybe into a Religion. Or back into a Religion. That was the vexing part: no one really knew how much was true about the Past. And especially about the Past which could be brought up-to-date. Barber Perfect will not tell Lucky what name he used in Nazi Germany, or for that matter what names he has used in any of his Avatars. Nor will Pooler Jones. Or the lucious Jayne Hill, who crushed Lucky's heart in 1963 and then healed it in '65 before Lucky rotated back to The World. But Barber was given the task: Find out Who we Are, Himmler told him. Find the evidence We need to Be the people we must Become - Princes of the World. Archangels. Link what our hearts know about the Volk with a glorious past which comes directly from god. What the fuck good is the Truth if it serves no End? Heiny asked. And look to Amerika! He said. Look how neatly they erased their own Mudpeoples who were cockblocking them on their Manifest Destiny to the West. Amerika had reinvented its Volk and its Mythos as it hacked its way West. Germany would do the same as they decimated and then repopulated the East. SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler presented Murmur with the Duty to Create a Nazi Volk out of the Aryans that were left. With the Order he gave him the 4 framed Race Maps of the Amerikan Madison Grant. At the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials - after the Deluge - Hitler's personal physician Karl Brandt had Grant's Opus: Passing of the Great Race introduced as evidence to show the American led court that the "Population Policies" of Nazi Germany were based on sound Amerikan Racial Statutes & ideas. Brandt had also been the `Capo di tutti Capi' of the Nazi Euthanasia program. "Useless Eaters," or "Injuns," his lawyer asked the court, "what exactly was the difference?" They hung Brandt - so it was a bad argument. But that was Barber's task now - to find the differences between things like these and Sort them into Ranks for Selection. |