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Skippy's DNA is embarrassingly Noble. On his mother's side he is a scion of Major Ferdinand Jean-Baptiste von Schill the infamous Prussian Cavalry officer who led a rebellion against Napoleonic Rule and died in hand to hand combat in 1809. According to the rustics at Wikipedia: "Military units were named after him, streets and plazas bear his name to this day. Over 400 biographies, novels, plays, operas, and collections of poetry have been published about him in German, and he is featured in over a dozen German films." Skippy's father's seed came up from the Chevalier Charles-Geneviève-Louise-Auguste-André-Thimothée d-Eon a spy from the court of Louis XV who dressed and lived as a woman to wrest secrets from the Empress Elizabeth of Russia - d'Eon is known as the most famous Cross-Dresser in history. Nobility oozes from Skippy like pus from a wound. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Dude Abides. And so does the Code. Pooler Jones and Barber Perfect had one more row in Amsterdam before we all split: Pooler to his place in Paris, Barber back to his beloved Schloss near the sad, sad, city which used to be Königsberg in its Hanseatic days when the Altkampfers - the Black Mantled Teutonic Knights were headquartered there. Me back to Michigan and the slippery embrace of Kenny La Roche. Each of us had serious bidnez waiting in Paris and our plan was to hook up again there ASAP. Amsterdam had not solved the problem of Spinoza's Skull & Bones. Pooler had them now - after his successful theft of them from Barber Perfect. Pooler and I had dug them up together at Beltany Tops Stone Circle in Ireland - the lucious and loose Savitri Devi was there also and Skippy could still smell the sex. The bones were in a carved wooden Coffre which itself had been set inside a bronze Coffre and then wrapped in various animal skins. Where Pooler had placed the Bones since I could not say. Nor could Barber. Amsterdam was neutral ground between the "Brothers," the Sibs - between "La Ville-Lumière"and "Königsberg" - and the La Roche rivalries had always respected the city's neutrality and like the Frogs giving Paris up to the Nazis - the Sippe La Roche declared the city Open. "Sippe" is German and it describes an extended family, a klan, or a kinship group. Himmler, and his SS Ahnenerbe buddies, determined that the Germanic Kinship group the Sippe was the Archetype and Prototype of the extended German Soul. As a social group, the Sippe is Cognatic - so it links people to groups thru both sexes - thus it is neither actually Matrilineal nor is it Patrilinear. Usually, there were no more than 50 families in a Sippe. It was the Sippe which would regulate the uses of the forests, the fields, and all of their resources. So it was a DNR of Blood. And in the end . . . it's always about Blood. Baruch Spinoza never married so his blood stopped with him in the cold and wet Netherlands. He left only his writings and his Bones. Barber Perfect and his wing of the La Roche Sippe stole the philosopher's body on the morning of his funeral in Den Haag and took it off to Königsberg where it lay hidden in the vaults of the Teutonic Knights until the city was obliterated by allied bombing in WW2. | ![]() |
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IwoJima is from blood which called the Sippe a "Sept." Contrary Celtic Cocksuckas! Both the Irish and the Scots had social divisions built around the Sept. Some of the Etics claim "sept" is from the Latin "septum" which has primary meanings of "enclose or fold" - as In: IwoJima is in the fold of the La Roche Sippe. The Irish will often get drunk and punch each other for very small reasons - it's in their blood. Sometimes their minds slip off cog and recapitulate to the primary and they use the terms "sept" and "sliocht" with coterminal abandonment - Sliocht = Seed and the rest of the gloss writes itself. Drawing lines around and between things is called Classification. It's a science which is built around Selection. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Push the VolkSippe Button only if Dead Babies don't offend you.
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I cannot tell you yet just why the Order of the Teutonic Knights wanted the Skull and the Longbones of Benito de Espinosa - the Paterfamilias of the Sippe Modern Man. I could - but it would make little sense out of context. Semiosis is all about Context. So is Consanguinity and Affinity for all that matters. IwoJima lives off the grid on Monastery Ridge in the Captain's village. They are Solar/Wind guys who pull Charged Atoms out of Air. Post-Office-Box guys who scorn Streets with numbers. Alchemists - in Context. IwoJima and Lucky did some grave-robbing - back in the day - and they scarfed together a small stash of gold in rings and bracelets, necklaces and stickpins. People have been burying gold with their dead as long as they have been able to have gold. IwoJima melted the stash down into a lump and said he was going to make "The White Powder" from the lump - the Gölem of Gold. "Wait," said Skippy - his pure Prussian Blue eyes glinting in his innocence - "Aren't you supposed to use the White Powder to make the Gold?" IwoJima's eyes narrowed to hellish slits. Either way, the Work comes out the same whether you rescue it from the Bottom Up or the Top Down. God saves Man. Man saves God. Spinoza thought god was going to have to wait awhile more. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Condescendió - that was the ticket. In order for the God of the Universe to make things which were "of god" but "not god" He would have to climb down from the Spheres and Mingle with the Mud. KikiEtics get those massive headaches right behind their left eyes when they try and figure out what God was up to when he decided on Creation. Vs. the Void. Why bring things into Existence only for them to Change and Die? What does a Being who has lived for Eternity have to say to a Shard of Mud which lives for 70 years? Or a baby that dies as its born? The worst kind of Anthropomorphia is to give God the Monkey's emotions . . . but is this just Cosmic Loneliness? | ![]() |
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Push the Caute Button and you will be transported to Mokum A and the Tikkun-ha-Olam
"The Desires we Deny find us as Fate."
- Faust |
How did Ferlinghetti put it? "Christ Climbed Down." But then probably he was only talking about Materialism. Amsterdam is the Heart of Materialism in the Context of a world whose Soul has gone Kenotic and has ejaculated itself out into the Sphere of hardened things. Things which Abide. If only for awhile. "The Dude Abides," Lebowski says of himself. Mokum Aleph did too. And then Poof it was gone. Keyser grins. The Emics call it a Curb Guard. | ||||||||||
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Where do you suppose such gnosis comes from? Has the Captain rolled out his Intuitive and `A Priori' mindset? All neatly laced with assumptions which go nowhere near experience for validation? Such a deductive product would move from Cause to Effect. Or has our favorite Bohunk gone lividly 'A Posteriori' where the Cosmos yeilds up her petticoats from Observation & Experience? From Effect to Cause. Or maybe when you use terms like: "if ... could'a ... maybe ... would'a ... might'a ..." you hopelessly skew the Mood to the Conditional and maybe even the Counterfactual where guys like Nietzsche & Jung, Spinoza, Yahweh & Spengler sport on Linguistic Attractors so high and Irreal above the heads of the audience that Reality walks on a long, thin, wire stretched between discontinuous minds while the world wobbles and waits to take a form. | |||||||||
Amsterdam, like Venice, is the gift of Cistercian Hydraulics. Moving water thru us is, afterall, a Syntactic Structure of the Cosmic dilemma. Barber Perfect says that Blood is the Primary Vehicle of all Metaphor. That Blood & the River are Correspondences and Signatures of the Primal Living Being itself. Of Life itself. In their absence - there can be no Being. "They carry the Code," he told Skippy. "They Water the Sippe." Semiotics is the Science of Signs. It ponders the spent realities - the 'relationships' - between Signifier, Signified, and Referent. Between the Sender, the Receiver, and the Message Sent. Between Vehicle, Tenor, and Meaning. Blood and Rivers are Semiotic Events. Barber has thin Prussian Blue eyes with the eternal squint of the hunter and searcher as he brings focus to his Umwelt. With the focus comes Meaning and the Semiotic Triad "pops on" like Mercury Vapor Grow Lights. Monkeys are the only animals on Earth which give Meaning to Rivers and Blood. All the rest of Nature pulses with their tides but does not use them in a Code, does not "apprehend" them in their Numenousity. Only Monkeys can create Vampires and know why that's a special horror. | ![]() |
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Why did the Teutonic Knights want the body of Spinoza? This is not a question a Dog could pose. There are levels of Inference in the question which no combination of URIs, Folksonomies/Ontologies, can suggest. Slag's a great Professor - as all the AZZA boys will be - but he cannot create dust which understands dust. "Remember Man that thou are Dust . . ." Yahweh tells the Naked Monkeys as he points them Out of Eden. And to dust thou shalt return. Such a perfect, round, metaphor. Perfect because it really is not a metaphor at all - until the Monkey Reifies it and 'A Priori' leaps to a conclusion: I'm a pretty special Dude, dude. I can carry a copy of the Cosmos inside my head and in that theater make things even more than they were as Signifiers. I can Fluff the Signified up like the cock-girl on a Porno Shoot. De Saussure can Kiss my Ass! And only a Monkey could grok what that means. | |||||||||
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The Caduceus will take you to the Godly pages where you will have to deal with Aaron's Rod and the Semiotic Blood issues connected with the Cohen Gene as Code. Good Fucking Luck.
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