"It's probably the most important discovery in Genetics since Jism," said Barber Perfect, who has a long, long, background in Population Genetics. "No one sees it yet but it's the Greek on the Rosetta Stone." Dr. Karl Skorecki, a nephrologist and researcher at the Rambam-Technion Medical Center in Haifa was doing Synagogue and after the Torah had been removed from the Ark a Cohen took the stage for the 1st Aliyah. The Cohen was Sephardic - Dr. Karl was Ashkenazic - and the 2 Jews could not have been more different from each other in physical features like eye color, hair texture/color, and skin shade. It is Jewish tradition - and Law - that all Cohanim are direct descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses and the original Priest or Cohen. The Cohen line is strictly Partilineal and myth has it that it has passed from father to son for more than 100 generations - sans interruption. Dr. Karl was also Cohanim - a Cohen. How could the myth of descent be true when the 2 men were so wildly divergent? Dr. Karl wondered: "If all Cohanim are descendants of one man, they should have a common set of genetic markers, a common Haplotype - that of their common ancestor" Aaron HaCohen. A Genetic Marker is a Mutation - it's a Semiotic Variation in Nucleotide Sequencing in DNA. If the mutation hurts the organism it will disappear in time as the organisms die away. If the mutation aids the Host it becomes dogma and spreads thru the population. If the mutation is neutral then it just piles up in a Semiotic Closet. Dust.
Most Etics are familiar with the Eve Hypothesis that all the Monkeys on the planet are descendant from one woman from Africa about 150,000 years ago - now dubbed "Mitochondrial Eve." She left her footprints in Mito-DNA which is passed only thru Matrinlineal Descent from Mother to offspring. Since DNA is a Code and obeys the Rules of Codes then its info-content vis-a-vis mutations in that content can be logarithmically understood and so charted given sufficient data on the system's Initial Boundary Conditions. Shit, it's all a fucking variant of Infinite D-Hilbert Space - if you can sufficiently describe it then you can reasonably predict it. So DNA is the Book of the Monkey and all of our History - both Geschichte und Heilgeschichte - is written in it. Mutations which do not Code for either Structure or Behavior do not undergo Selection - there is no pressure on them from the Ecosystem to either Kill the Monkey or Make the Monkey God. So they pile up over time in the Genetic Closet. Whoa! Suddenly Dr. Karl had this Epiphany: The Male Y Chromosome is stuffed with Non-Coding DNA and it would tend, over time, to stack up successive Mutations. And Y-Chromos are passed from Papa to Jr. without recombination with any sticky Female stuff. So the Genetic Diary of a contemporary Male today is damn near the same as that of his Altkampfers - his ancient male ancestors. Combinations and Patterns in these neutral mutations are called Haplotypes and together they stand as a Brand and Signature of the Male Family Tree. So if there is a common ancestors to the Cohens they should have "common genetic markers at a higher frequency than the general Jewish population."
Aaron was the brother of Moses and Maria-Prophetessa - their Sister. Both he and Moses were said to have had a Magic Rod - though, in truth, the Rods were one and the same. Like the Azza Boys, things come apart in the telling. The Emics will tell you that the Rod of the brothers was a natural development of the Shepherd's Staff - a Tool used to "guide and correct" the flow of Sheep. The Etics smile and say Sure but both the Rod and the Staff are adaptations of the ancestral Baton de Commandments of the Paleolithic.
Symbols of Power, Prestige, and Auctoritas. Kings have come to call it a Scepter. Kikes and Kikis alike can tell you the story of how the Pharaoh had to be persuaded to let the Jews go. So the Pharaoh wants a miracle to demonstrate the power of the Jewish God. Aaron throws his Rod at the King's feet and it turns into a Serpent. The Egyptian Priests throw their rods down and they too turn into snakes. So the Jew Snake eats them all. You can hear Julius Streicher cackling from Hell. To which the Pharaoh says: fuck you. So the Plagues of Egypt follow toot-sweet. Aaron was from the Levites - the tribe which performed Priestly functions for the Jews - and Aaron became Ha-Kohen. The Chief Priest. Only a Cohen Son could be a priest.
Napoleonic Soldaten found the Rosetta Stone in Egypt in 1799. It's 45" high, 29" wide, 11" thick and weighs 1,676 pounds. It is not Basalt, as commonly believed, but Granodiorite. There is a message in 3 different Scripts carved on its one smooth and polished face. At the top there are Egyptian Hieroglyphs - recognizable but untranslatable in 1799 - in the middle is a later development of those Hieroglyphs called Demotic. It too was untranslatable in Nappy's time. Below those was Greek and it hadn't changed much in 2500 years - so it was translatable. It was the Key. Every Code must share a Key between Sender and Receiver. From its mutations and transliterations Meaningful Information could be hidden and read. Since it was beginning to be understood that the Hieroglyphs were Phonetic and not Iconic and Since Greek was fully Phonetic then there must be Correspondences between the Signs used for the 3 Scripts. From there it's a simple Cipher Replacement Code and a full translation of the Stone quickly followed. It's a Tax-Amnesty for the Temple Priests. Maybe it could buy them better Rods.
Dr. Karl teamed with Mike Hammer, a Prof Etic from the University of Arizona, whose gig is Molecular Genetics as Carte to Population History, Origins, and Migrations. For years the Hammer has been pinning down where all the Injuns & Japs came from. Team-Cohen set to work designing tests and studies to see if in fact the Sippe Cohanim had the Happy Haplotypes predicted. They did. The Etics got all shivery the way Phds do when the numbers fit the bill. Jewish men with Cohen names from all over the world were genetically transcripted and typed. In one study 98.5% of the Yid Bucks tested had one of the suspect Haplotypes. In another 97 of 106 Cohanim tested had the same array of 6 Genetic Markers - now known as the CMH - the Cohen-Modal-Haplotype. The odds against that were 10,000 to 1. Significantly they find that the 2 largest Jewish Populations - the Sephardic and Ashkenazic of Europa - also share the same CMH which means that the CMH is older than the time which those 2 groups separated from Common Stock - about 1000 years ago. So they got down and nasty with the Logarithms of Genetic Drift, Mutation, etc and extrapolated backwards - like Carbon 14 Dating - and came up with "a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line." Which is about 3,300 years ago during the Biblical Age of the Exodus from Egypt - or the lifetime of Aaron HaCohen the Levite High Priest of the mythical 12 Tribes of Israel. Less than a third of the Non-Cohen Jews have the CMH Markers. Jesus H. Fuckin' Christ, thinks Dr. Karl, me and that Sephardic Cohen at Synagogue with the Dusky Iberian features are so related that we can trace our Papas back to the same Papa - Papa Aaron who threw down against the Pharaoh's serpents and won. Brother to Moses, Brother to Maria Prophetessa the great Alchemist, father and brother to every Male Cohen since. All over the world similar researchers took notice and realized that the study of neutral mutations in Non-Coding areas of DNA would yield a Book of Days - properly and minutely inspected it could lead to a Chronicle of World Fucking Habits and Statistics. DNA sits in the Semiosphere and mirrors every conjugation which has yielded fruit. It's an Atlas of Who and Where has carried the Seed and left it with Whom and When.
"Nothing is Natural. Everything is Discourse."
Roll over the Rosetta Stone above. That's the Prisoner Color-Coding Scheme for the Kz at Dachau. Homos, Criminals, Useless-Eaters, all get their own color-triangle patch. Jews get to wear the Star of David as their code, combined with one of the other color-triangles to signify their other crime. The CMH-Cohen Signature has caused a shitstürm as you can imagine. There's an old Riff amongst the Hebes that the North-Euro Ashkenazic Jews were a 10th Century creation of a mass Conversion of a Turko-Asian tribe called the Kuzars and Not Related to the Hebrews at all. Lot of fist fights stem from a rumor like that. Some of the Etics say that Dr. Karl killed that Blood Libel with his studies once and for all - because both the Sephardic & Askenazic Jews have similar CMH-Cohen Genetic Markers. But then Dr. Karl & the Hammer & many more Etics come back with: "Multiple Origins of Askenazi Levites: Y Chromosome Evidence for Both Near Eastern and European Ancestry." [American Journal of Human Genetics - Oct/03] Way cooler still: The Marathi-speaking Bene Israel "Tribe" of India - often called the "world's most obscure Jewish Community" - has been completely vindicated by the CMH-Cohen Markers in their claim of having left Palestine more than 2000 years ago. Maintaining Judaism surrounded by Hindus & Muslims forced the Bene Israel literally in on themselves. Especially in Procreation. Consequently the Indian Jews may well be the "Purest of the Pure" in matters of both Jewish and Cohen Blood. Maybe Jesus did go to India - it looks as if a bunch of Cohanim did.
There is some Etic speculation that Aaron "stems" from "herr" in Egyptian and means "to conceive." Aaron is big in Jewish myth and history. Almost as big as his brother Moses. Neither of them made it to the Promised Land. Yahweh's a bean-counter when it comes to sins. When Moses is up on Mt. Sinai getting Tablets & Revelations and goin' Mano-a-Mano with god, Aaron is down below where the Little People - whose attention-span is limited to short bursts - have grown weary of the Walkin' & Waitin' and eating bugs from the Wastelands & started chanting: "Show us the God! Show us the God!!!" Some of Aaron's womenfolk tried to quiet the masses by flashing a little Titty - but that only made them louder. "Show us the God!!!" So Aaron took their Gold - another Archetype which History will return to - melted it and formed the Lumpen Gölem of Gold into the shape of a Calf. "Here is the Form," Aaron told them, "of the god which has led us out of Egypt." It's odd that Aaron had forgotten that on the day of his Ordination into the Cohanim god had zapped both of his sons - Nada & Abidjan - with a consuming fire because they had offered Incense in a fashion not described by Law. Aaron, even more than Moses, was a Type of Wizard, an Alchemist, he could make his Rod sing the Panzerlied while it Rained Frogs on the Pharaoh. In the hands of Moses it brought Water from the Rock - which kept Moses out of Canaan because god had told Moses to Speak to the Stone - not poke it with a Magic Wand. God wanted to replace Pagan Magic with Prayer and trust in God.
When Moses proclaims the Tribe of Levi as the font of the Priesthood there is a small rebellion which is crushed. God sends the Jews a Wake-Up-Plague then commands that each of the 12 Tribes is to present a Rod and then stick it in the ground. The Rod that sprouts overnight will signify the Divine Choice of the Priestly Tribe. Arthur's Excalibur Myth is from the same Sippe of Archetypes. Aaron's Rod budded, bloomed, and put out fruit. Ripe Almonds from the Beer Nuts Food Group. A later accretion to the myth says that one side of the Rod sprouted Sweet Almonds while the Obverse bore Bitter Fruit. If the Jews followed paths towards god then the Sweet side would ripen to be eaten. If they swerved & followed Withershins towards the pulsing warm moist darkness - then only the Bitter Almonds would ripen. Tradition asserts that the Rod of Aaron & Moses - because there really only ever was 1 - was kept in the Ark of the Covenant with the other Gris-gris from god. Neither Moses nor Aaron left a body or a grave and that is cause for endless conjectures amongst both the Kike and the Kiki Priests. Everything that happens is a Sign. Everything that doesn't happen is a Sign. All of Hermeneutics is an Area 51 of Midrashim & the Extra-Canonical - the Apocrypha applied to Code. Himmler loved the part where Moses took all 12 of the Tribal Rods and carved on them the Sigils of the Oberstgruppenführer of the Tribe. He kept them in the Sanctuary with the 12 Stones - they began the Treasury of the Temple - when the wandering was over and they had a Temple built Stone upon Stone to a design which was inherent to the Land and its Semiotic Affordances.
Some of the Emics say that Aaron's Body was placed in a Sacred Cave and that the Rock swallowed it and then closed. Just like Merlin - and Jesus if you think.
Was Christ part of the Bene Israel Sippe which left Palestine for India 2000+ years ago? Did he come back? All stained with Buddha Nature and the Upanishads?
God created the Rod of Aaron/Moses from a branch he took off the Tree whose Fruit gave the Gnosis of Good & Evil. The Tree the Monkey violated which takes him out of Paradise. He gives it to Adam, tells him he's Dust and says the Rod is a Tool which his descendants can use on their long, hard, road home. The Rod moves from Adam, thru Shem, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, and into the hands of Joseph thru Jacob. When Josef dies some Gypsy Noblemen steal it and it falls into Jethro's hands - one of the thieves. Jethro sticks the Rod into his garden where it blooms with fruit that cannot be picked - and in fact the Rod becomes famous because no one can yank it out of the ground. Moses, like the young Arthur, withdrew the Rod with one quick motion. Jethro went all Syncatabastic screaming: "You're the One! You're Neon!" and gave Moses his daughter Zipporah in marriage. Her Muschi and its Offspring had been pledged to the Awaited One with the Chi to pull the Rod from the Stony Land.
I don't know if "Aaron" means to Conceive or not. But that's his flowering Wand in the hands of the Archangel Gabriel as he delivers the Word and the Shekhina to the Virgin Mary. Christians turned the Almonds into Lilies over time as they retranslated the Prophets into Apostles, and the Pomegranate into an Apple. It's all the same Code, they argue, now reflected from a shifted perspective. Hitler carried a Baton de Commandment - a small whip for use on a dog. He had no sense of humor and never told jokes - but he used to love to quote Nietzsche and when one of his Brown Shirts would rise from the table to leave he would loudly say: "Going to see a Woman? Don't forget to take a Whip." It always cracked Himmler up. Rod, Crook, Staff, Wand, Stick, Scepter - all Tools of Correction, Guidance, and Rule. If life was just like the DaVinci Code then you could say that the Rod, like the Grail, is not so much an object in time but a Lineage in Time. The lineage of the Rod from its conception as a branch on a Sacred Tree in Paradise, thru its permutations in myths, until finally it reappears thru Gabriel & Mary in a Dream that Joseph the Carpenter has as he bundles the family for the Flight into Egypt. Joshua had given Aaron's Rod to Phinehas who buried it in Jerusalem. Now its location is revealed to Joseph who digs it up and keeps it. Guards it. But Judas Iscariot steals it from Joseph and when the Jews could find no wood for the Transverse beam of Christ's Cross, Judas sells them Aaron's Rod - and it vanishes from Jewish History - like the Lineage of Aaron HaKohen until recently.
Never mind that it was the Romans who crucified Christ. The Jew Story is more resonant to Kiki ears. Besides, Origen said that "The Rod of Moses, with which he subdued the Egyptians, is the symbol of the Cross of Jesus who conquered the world." So it's got to be a Yid Gig. And since the Miraculous Flowering of Aaron's Rod was Typologically Revealed in the New Testament as the Incarnation of Christ and his Virgin Birth then it is seen as Testimony and Prophecy to Christians and suddenly it dawns on Western Kiki Man that we Need the Jews. They are the Vehicles for our Truth's Tenors. Somebody just like them would have to exist to validate our Narrative with their Previous Auctoritas. Hell, god talked to them first and he must have had a reason. Cognitive Dissonance like this kept many a thoughtful Nazi up long past the Teutonic Witching Hours. It used to keep the Popes up too until after the French Revolution. When they started to lop the heads off of Priests, Bishops, Kings & Queens then the Vatican got serious about how to blame the Jews.
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