When the Nords put their Mead down long enough to Spill Out the Cosmos, they came up with 5 essential Sippes: Giants, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Gods. All of these groups Fuck, Feud, and Fight with each other and with themselves. The Nordic Weltanschauung is Cold, Incestuous, and Violent. All the Cross-Breeding filled the worlds with Monsters. All the War filled the worlds with Warriors. As Above - So Below. Heaven, Earth, and Hell were the abodes of Heroes & their Dogs. Ymir was the 1st Giant - he was created from the Frozen Mists of Gunnungagap - a Fertile Athanor between Muspell [the Elemental Plane of Fire & home to the Fire Giants] and Nifleheim [the Lands of Mists, Cold, and Death. This is where the Frost Giants lived, all ruled over by Hel, the daughter of Loki, the Trickster god who will let the string go and unravel the Universe at Ragnarok - the End of Things]. The Giants were the 1st Race and were divided into many Sippes: Mountains, Stones, Frost, Fire, Wood & Water, etc. Their personalities flow from their Elemental Nature so their actual size varies from Giants the size of Grapes to Behemoths the scope of Continents.
Papa Ratzi has sprung 4 Bishops from Excommunication & Hell. One of them is even a Holocaust denier. Swedish TV had Brit/Twit Bishop Richard Williamson claiming that the evidence "is hugely against 6 million Jews having been deliberately gassed." Probably it was just some kinda freak accident. The 4 were Bell, Book, and Candled 20 years ago after their consecration, by the late Ultra-NeoCon Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of France, without Papal consent. An old, old, argument in Europa. Benedict 16 wants the frogs back in the Catholic Sippe and he doesn't care that a little blood splashes on his Chasuble & Buskins. Lucky nearly wet himself when he stumbled upon this huge Irminsul in the center of Munich. It's about 15 feet tall and stands at a Nexus of Rails & Roads. Exactly where the Greeks used to stick Herms. There is more than a passing resemblance both in Form and in Content. The Nordic races did not share the same Ecosystems with the Mediterra Latins but they shared the same Nervous System & the same Spines. Their heads worked alike so they produced Variant Symbols for the Same Experiences. Alleles, Jimmy Watson would call them. Cultural Allelomorphs.
Buri [the Producer] was the 1st God. He came from "the little man in the boat" - or in this case - a Block of Salt which hung alone in the Dark at the Bottom of Gunnungagap - the Great Chasm. Just a Clit in the Cosmic Muschi. The Primordial Cow Audhumla [the Nourisher] simply Licked the Salt Block until it Revealed and Freed Buri. Audhumla had been born from the Condensation, that is - the Dew, the Ross, the Spunk, which flowed from the 1st Intercourse between Muspelheim & Nifleheim - the same steaming mix which had spawned Ymir - the 1st Giant. So Ymir, whose body will be the World, is Kissing Kin to the Cow, Audhumla, whose Milk will feed the World. Buri must have been pretty Horny in that ancient Salt Block because the 1st thing he did was somehow produce a Son, Borr. Oh oh ... the Giants, dripping out of Ymir, noticed the sudden Existence of Gods. So naturally they started Beating on them & Fucking them & Beating & Fucking ... which quickly became for the Nords: the Way of the World.
Ymir's body was composed of a roiling mass of Ice and Clay and as the Lumpen slept it would thaw and hatch out new Giants. Borr was born Randy & Ready so he wedded up with the comely Giantess Bestla who quickly gave birth to Triplets: Odin, who would become the Greatest of the Gods, and his brothers Vili and Ve. Ymir slept on and while he slept the 24 Runes lay dormant & powerless within him. The Nordic Cosmos, like many things, is divided into 9 Levels & Worlds from Muspell to Nifleheim. In the middle is Midgard, the Heim of Men. A central Axis connects these 9 Worlds - the Cosmic Tree Yggdrasil. Mystical Bridges, Rainbow Arches, and many Barriers also connect/divide these 9 Levels. It was when Ymir first awoke that he drank Audhumla's Sweet Milk while she simultaneously Licked the Primal Salt Block to free & birth Buri the 1st God. So Cosmogenesis for the gods is when the Frost Giant Ymir - born from the Condensed Spunk of the Haut/Bas Humping - sucks the Titties of his Sister Audhumla while she Goes Down on a Salt Block which dangles in Gunnungagap - the Great Pussy of the All.
The Trinity Boys - Odin, Vili und Ve - grew to their godhood with little regard for Ymir, whose recurring slumber kept spitting out Giants as parts of him thawed. Skippy loves the Sociobiological gestalt of `Things Being Born from a Thaw.' Only the Nordic Ecosystem Dynamics could spawn a Meme like that. So under Odin's leadership, the Lads teamed up and killed the muthafuka. They pooped a cap in his ass & then hacked the Frost Giant Ymir into bits. But Jesus, the Blood! Who would have thought there could have been so much Blood. It flowed out over the Cosmos & rivaled the 4 Rivers of Milk which flowed from Audhumla the Sacred Cow Bitch. The Blood flowed so deep that it killed all of the Giants except 2. From the Blood of Ymir came the Lakes and the Seas. The boys used Ymir's body to build the Heavens and the Earth. They used his Bones to make Mountains, his teeth became Rocks, Boulders, and Stones. His Hair formed all the Trees in the Universe, and all the Clouds were fashioned from his Brains. Which is why - even today - Men read the Clouds to guess at the Mind of god. The lads used Ymir's flesh to fill the Gunnungagap Chasm. Finally, Odin and his Brothers Raised-Up Ymir's Skull in its shape of a Huge Alpha Rock and it would be the Sky. Beneath each of the 4 Corners of the Skull-Sky - they placed a Dwarf. Midgard, which is home for Man the Monkey, was fashioned by Odin from the Eyebrows of Ymir. The Maggots which sprouted from Ymir's rotting flesh were given "the wits and the shape of men" but they were forced to live under hills, mountains, and many other things. These were the Dwarfs. Then Odin, Vili, & Ve paused for lunch, got Piss Drunk and for the 1st time noticed that All in All they had created 12 Realms. This is the part of the story that little Heinrich Himmler liked most of all. 12 Realms, 12 Knights, 12 Months of the Year ... not to mention the 12 Tribes of the Jews. Odin saw some Driftwood on the Bloody Ocean of Ymir; he took from that sea an Ash bough, and a branch from an Elm. From the Ash he made the 1st Male Human whom he called: Ask. From the Elm, he made the shapely 1st Woman & named her: Embla. Ask & Embla are the Parents of the Human Race and Midgard was given to them as a Heim. It's a Meaty Cosmos for the Aryans - scarfed together with bones & blood & a skull for the sky. No Country for Old Men, as Yeats said about all Lands formed from Mysteries & Violent Conjunctions.
Yggdrasil - the World Tree - is both made from and arises from the body of the slain Ymir. It connects the Nordic Cosmos as its Spine. The Rainbow Bridge, Bifrost, connects the Middle Earth with Asgard and Valhalla above where every day the Æsir - the Highest Sippe of the Gods, hold their heavenly Court under the Branches of the Holy Tree. There are 12 Æsir Gods and 24 Asynjur Goddesses living on Asgard. They don't always get along so sometimes the World seems Jarring and Out of Sort. Cacophonous. Yggdrasil has 3 Primary Roots which extend both down into the depths past Hel but then turn upward and reach into the farthest parts of the Heavens. In fact, the Roots and the Branches Bend the Lotus and Oroborically are One. One Root threads the Well in the Heavens of Asgard, another goes to the Spring below in Nifleheim, and the other Root circles Midgard by Mimir's Well. The Well in Heaven contains the Waters of Fate. The Well in Nifleheim is the Source of Rivers. Mimir's Well contains the Waters of Wisdom - the most Dangerous of Brews. Ask the Monkey Eve.
Mimir was the Wises of the Æsir gods and thus was placed as Guardian of Mimisbrunnr - the Well of Knowledge & Wisdom. When the Æsir went to the Mattresses with another Sippe of gods called the Vanir, Mimir and his Beer Buddy Hoenir were sent as Hostages to the Vanir as a kind of Ransom. Now Mimir had secretly got Piss Drunk & Stoned from drinking the Blood-Waters from the Well he was supposed to be guarding. So he was muy intelligenté & like Skippy could spout Wise-Shit 'til the Well run Dry. But Hoenir had not. His lips had never touched the Wine of Wisdom from the Mimisbrunnr Well. So he was thick like most & had no thoughts deeper than bodily needs. The Vanir were Pissed. They wanted Wisdom-Speakers what sounded like Chief Joseph on S'rooms. Real "Many is the One who is Many" kinda shit. All Hoenir could muster was "I need some Beer." And then later after he had had some: "So what's Vanir Pussy Like?" So they cut off Mimir's Head and sent it back to Odin. The Allfather Breathed life back into the Head and Keeps it in a Reliquary in a Shrine at the base of Yggdrasil, where the Blood-Waters keep it alive and where Odin consults it when he's had a Mead or 2 too many.
The Well of Gnosis/Wisdom sprang from the place where Mimir's Head was kept among the Roots of Yggdrasil. Also among those Roots sit 3 Spinners of Fate - the Norns. Urd governs the Past. Verdandi rules over the Present. And Skuld ponders the Future. Now Odin eats no meat or food of any sort. He lives entirely on potent Mead which now & again gives the god a Glimpse. One day, waking in Valhalla with a pounding hangover and a godly dick swollen to the size of the World Tree itself, Odin decides that he needs a Hit of Wisdom. So he rode his 8 legged Horse Sleipnir to Mimir's Well. But wait, says Mimir, Gnosis is never free so what will you trade for Wisdom? In the end, Odin pays for his drink from Mimir's Well with one of his Eyes which is tossed into the well. So Odin gains great Wisdom and the Well now has been sweetened with an Eye from the Allfather. After this, whenever Odin needed to know or understand the great secrets of the Cosmos, he would ride to Mimir's Well, fuck a Norn or 2, and then ask the Severed Head of Mimir questions. The Head always answered, but like most Talking Heads and Sibyls & Oracles it would most likely answer in somekinda prophetic & godly gibberish or poetry which had to be decoded. Now your Mystical Set - given to Romantik Delusions - will argue with points of this tale of Mimir's Well. They will claim that Odin did not ride his 8 legged Steed but instead that he donned the other Mask of the Allfather - that of the Wandering Old Man clothed in a long Black Robe and wearing a large black hat with a long slouching rim which Odin wears tilted rakishly forward so that it obscures the missing Eye of the Æsir god. He shuffles around with a large Staff which is covered in Runes. This is the All Seeing Odin who has traded 1 Material Eye for a Spiritual Eye which he won from the Well when he drank. Like the 3rd Eye of Hindi Mysteries - this eye sees all that is Unseen. That shit will keep you up at night. And it keeps Odin up too. Wisdom is a Left-Handed Gift. It costs as much as it gives. Mostly there are things which you simply do not want to know. So Odin is wearied by his new Gnosis. And saddened. It's all really just Death and Disease, War, Famine, Stupidity, and Pig-Ignorance. Suddenly, the World to Woden seems Heavy and Dull. "Buck up, dude!" his Ravens whisper in his ear. "Ask yourself: What can you do for your Children? If it's all Shit - and it is - what can you - 1st among the gods - teach them that will make it better?" Odin was not just a god - he was a Shaman. So now he knew what he would have to do to `Lift the Veil' of the goddess and see what must be seen. Then like Jesus & Buddha - teach the great secrets to the Monkeys so - one day - they might become Men.
The Etics & Emics spit at each other over the details of Odin's Hanging. Did he hang himself upside down as Hippy Tarot Cards like to depict? Or was he dangling Headup/Toesdown on Yggdrasil, the World Ash? Or was it an Oak? Yer NeoPagans get all Juicy over Oak. The only thing which everyone agrees on is that - like Jesus - Odin Hung Himself. It was a Sacrifice. Shamans call it lots of other things. Injuns claim the act as a Vision Quest. And it was all of those things and more. But first - it was a Sacrifice. Odin hung himself on the World Tree for 9 Days. Without Drink - for remember that Odin ate no food, he threw his portions of Meat to his 2 Wolves. Only Mead. And more Mead. But on his Cross he got no Mead - so he was left Empty. Gone Kenotic. A clean vessel for a Revelation. Skippy likes the Idea of Odin hanging Withershins - Upside Down - Kind of Suspension-Tension Hung between god & gravity. He sees the Chi slowly draining down thru the miserable chakras of his asshole and his belly - which the Shaman intuitively knows are too much caught in meat & matter. Odin, like this, does not Raise the Chi but instead his suffering & pain will open Wells and Fountains which overflow and let the cool Mead of the Chi flow downwards into your "higher souls". The Inversion pleases Skippy who sees it as a Type of Sacrament called: Bending the Lotus. There is also in the Pose something of Apokatastasis - maybe it's the way the Head or the Chef is placed at the Bottom. The Recursion smacks of the Final Forgiveness of Satan. Odin had, in his own words: made "a sacrifice of Myself to Myself." Shazam! The Vision Came: There were Signs in the Universe, Sigils, Symbols - and they held great power and even greater Meaning. Odin had pinned himself to the Tree with his own Spear - not wanting to forget these Magic Runes, he pulled the Spear out and engraved the Runes around the Base of Yggdrasil. This was the 1st act of Writing. Odin had learned how to inflate Memory so that nothing would ever disappear again. Symbols like these, he knew, could hold worlds.
If it's a Hissy Fit you want then ask the Etics or the Emics exactly how many Runes Odin Groked. Or, for that matter, ask them where the Runes were before they were revealed to Odin? Who or What is the Father of the Runes? If they were not Consciously fashioned by Odin who is 1st among gods then is there another god higher than the gods? Emics will get wasted on Mead and poke your fucking eye out. Etics will take a long hit off the Vape or the Bong and remind you that Runes were used by Germanic & Scandinavian Sippes before their forced Conversions to Christianity and the subsequent Demonization of Runes and their Substitution by the Latin Alphabet. The earliest Runic inscriptions are right about the time that the Synoptic Gospels in Kikidom were being cobbled together for the 1st time in a Written form. About 100 AD. By 700 AD Latin and its Symbols - the Alphabet - had consigned the Runes to a shrinking Memory base of holdouts, Luddites & Druids. Etics will go further than that and Blaspheme the Runes by intimating that the Runes themselves were crude copies of either the Latin Alphabet or some other 1st Century BC Northern Italic Script. No matter where they came from the Nords would use them for Divination, Prophecy, Curses, Charms & Amulets. The Sigils would become Clan & Sippe Signs, Oracles & Keens, & ways to plumb the depths of god's mind. And they would also use them for Writing and marking down what we call History. Both Geschichte & Heilgeschichte.
There is an Etic/Emic concensus which says that Yggdrasil means: Odin's Horse. Ygg being one of Odin's 235 Names. A menschenkenner judges a god by how many names it has. Especially when you use the same Algorithm which Google does in assigning Ordered Rank of Search Items. It's not how often you mention yourself but rather how often Others mention you. And Link to you. Lending you a kind of Auctoritas. To Hang a man, back in the day before stools & such, you put him on a Horse, noosed him. Threw the rope over a Branch & then whipped the Horse out from under him. "Odin's Horse" refers to the "gallows" part of this metaphor. So the Tree itself is the "Horse of the Hanged."
The 3 interlocked Triangles to the left is the Valknot - the symbol of the Trinity which is Odin, Vili, und Ve. Like many Separated things in Mythology they each reveal aspects or attributes of the One's Personality. Jung said that about dreams. He said that all those Others in your dreams are just "fractured shards of the dreamer's personality." So when you look at Yggdrasil as a Mask of not only the Cosmos but also of Man, then you see the Kabbalah and you see Tantric Yoga, and you see the Caduseus, and if you look hard enough you see the Egyptians erecting a Djed Pole in the Musci-Gunnungagap Delta Womb of the Nile to celebrate an older ritual & mystery: That of Thoth who balances a Human Backbone - a Spine - on the Stump of a freshly felled Tree.
An Irminsul can be a Pillar, a Pole, or a Tree Stump or Trunk which is erected in the open air - usually in the centers of Villages or Towns or at Market Centers. It's an old Regime Saxon practice which is attested from the 8th Century to the present - judging from Skippy's pictures of the Munich Irminsul which he took only recently. Charlemagne - or Karl der Grösse as the Germanic tribes knew him - set the Typology in place for Christian conquest when he had the famous Irminsul of Externsteine destroyed in 772. Exterstein is on the south edge of the Teutoberger Forest near the place where the Germanic Warrior King Arminius - or Hermann, source of the word `German' - destroyed the 3 top Roman Legions in 9 AD. That Pillar had been the Sacred Center of the Saxon Sippes. To Charlemagne it was the Pagan presence of Satan himself. It was a Devil. So the first Christian King of the Holy Roman Empire smote the muthafuka and a whole People lost their Axis Mundi - their World Tree. "Irmin" comes from "Jörmunr" which like "Ygg" was one of Odin's Sacred Names. So the Irminsul was the living embodiment of Yggdrasil - as Above, So Below. The Saxons' Emics will tell you that the Irminsul is a symbol of Stability and Life, which is interesting because "Djed" in Egyptian is a symbol also of Stability and Life. And the annual ritual of Raising Up the Djed Pole in the female, fertile Nile Delta was rich with Phallic correspondences. Greek Herms are also from this Symbol Sippe. Hermes was the Greek form of the Roman Mercury and both of them were forms of the Egyptian god Thoth. Who, like Odin, gave the secrets of Signs, Symbols, Sigils, and Writing to the Monkey so that they might become Men. All of them are collectively gods of Crossroads, Centers, Thieves, Merchants. All of them are Psychopomps whose task it is to lead the Souls of the Dead to the afterworlds. All of them are Judges, and either Winged or gods of the Air and associated with Breath as the creative principal - as the Logos Spermatikos. That's Odin you see in Christian Annunciation Images - the Dove who is Impregnating the Virgin Mary by bringing the Word to the Ear of the Vas Honoris, the Athanor of god. Jakob Grimm says "Irmin" is Old Norse and present in words like "iörmangrund" - "great ground" or "great earth" and "Iörmungandr" which means "Great Snake" - or the Old Dragon whose body encircles Midgard and who "lives in" and "is" the Blood-Waters of the Earth.
Himmler wanted to revive the practice of planting "1000 Year Oaks" in the centers of Nazi cities and villages as they spread across the depopulated East. SS Farmers and their Lebensborn Bitches would found a 1000 new Aryan Sippes. New German Villages would spring out of Polish and Russian Soil and in all of their centers would be an Irminsul. Like the Æsir gods on Asgard, the SS Elders would gather under the branches of the Oak and be Judges and Kings. Himmler used the Irminsul Symbol as his new Icon for a new Department which he and Murmur - his SS Oberführer for Statistics & Sundries - were creating in RuSHA.
The Department was called the Ahnenerbe and it quickly became The Obsession for Himmler. Hitler hated it. He thought the whole Spiritualization of the Nazi Dogma was for Romantiks & fools. Like the Idiot Wiligut or that fucking Dwarf Wirth. Hitler had no patience with Rune Magic and the Resurrection of Odin. Himmler wanted to clear Aryan minds of the Pseudomorphic Christianity and recover the Ancient Wisdom for which Odin had Hung on his Cross. That's the Ahnenerbe Sigil all Jeweled & Gilded to the left - you can see that along the way the Pillar/Pole/Tree/Snake/Spine has grown a pair of wings. This is all about Hermes and that Eagle that perches atop Yggdrasil.
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