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In Jung's book Aion he shows how the Anima - the female side to the soul - and the Animus - the mirror image or male side to the soul - can not be "Realized" except thru a relation to an Other of the opposite Sex. Placed together their "projections become operative." So the problem with Yahweh is that he has either lost or forgotten his Other, his Shekhina - who he never really knew. Only thru an Authentic Union with Shekhina could she/he be made conscious. Yahweh needs an Other - some Mirror of himself but still Ganz Andere - in "order to become conscious of his inner contrary." Until he does, he will always mistake this Shadow of the Other for the Devil. When god and Lucifero were sucking Guinness in the Cafe Mélusina out on Highway 61 - god was alone and could not yet recognize that the Other he thought he was drinking and betting with was Himself looking in a Mirror. Some chimps can do that. An elephant or two. More and more Men can do it too. But a 1000 years before the Christ shook out of the Rain-of-Souls the Inspirited Authors of the Holy Books had arrived at the Brú - at the edge, at the verge of - this kind of consciousness. Yahweh had finally evolved to the threshold of Self-Awareness because his authors had reached that doorway too. The Book of Job is a record of that gnosis. Yahweh was Horny and looking for his Veeaye. He was ready, at last, for his Heavenly Nuptials. Yahweh had been blindly humping Israel and Job in his Ithyphallic frustration as he searched for a Vessel which would not break. Job's undying Love for yahweh all thru his trials has shown god that Job, who is Israel, who is Man, is ready for an Incarnation. It looks like a day for a Conception.