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"That you too may see something you've not seen before," Rizzoli wrote, right across the top of the Rendering. He called this Architectural Drawing: "The Primalglimse at Forty." Because that's how old Rizzoli was when the Queen of Mysteries - Sex - was revealed to him. It was April 12, 1936 and he was 40 years old and living with his mother. Since he seldom spoke unless he was spoken to - classically autistic - no one had ever gotten around to telling Rizz about Sex. So he had only vague, instinctual gnosis and the slender, steganographic information which his culture then provided did little to connect the dots. And then - on Easter Sunday - he saw the genitalia of a 3 year old neighbor girl who was playing next door. ALLELUIA! The light came on. That night he wrote in his obsessive journals: "Hold everything! How the heart throbbed puzzlingly trying desperately to escape thru . . . at the thought that at the old age of 40 one should finally get a glimpse of the Rizzoli was possessed by the need to do "Narrative Architecture." He ensouled his fantasy buildings. His Opus was the "Conversion of the Soul into objects of monumental character." For days after his Easter Epiphany he did Renderings in Architecture of the Moment of his Transfiguration. Finally he came up with the drawing on the left - his concretization of the primal glimpse. It is obviously Phallic but it sports an Honest Yoni also. It has what appear to be Testiculos and they are bene pendentes. Look at the contrasting shapes to the ascending series of vitraux - of stained glass windows. Their asymmetry creates an emergent figure of a Serpentine form crawling up the edifice. On one of the preliminary drawings for this Rendering Rizzoli wrote in perfect blue-print block script: "The more we feel that when you have seen her you have seen everything." And to announce the sketch: "In the face of present day society being unable to accord us the privilege of seeing the veeaye we have sketched hereby our impression of what a chastely view of the feminine form would leave upon our minds." On a scroll philactery: "We feel there's no substitute for honest truth." At the bottom of that prelim, where the delineators are recorded, Rizzoli wrote: That Phallism May Be Revived. And on the plinth of the bottom stair which leads to the Yoni he scribed: Perpetual Virginity for Perpetual Youth.
In hundreds of stories in Celtic Mythology, Newgrange is described as a kind of magic vessel which can provide "hospitality" to all who ask. There was endless Ale, 3 trees which were perpetually in fruit, and 2 pigs - one living, the other already cooked and ready to eat. | |||||||||||||
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I'm sure that the "V" the Krew is flashing must be for Victory. Once we hit the "On" switch there was a deep rumbling sound from somewhere beneath the hellish sod and then a sudden "pop" - like a Mercury Vapor Transformer & Voila - the Miskan did a Brú and "burst forward" into light. Skippy caught the moment exactly in this shot. Slag bleeds on his knee to baptize the spike and everything is all right between Heaven and Earth. And after the Lumen Christi, the last part of the Holy Saturday Night Ritual takes place: The Blessing of the Baptismal Water within the Sanctuary. After the Epistles and the reading of Genesis and while the Litany of the Saints is being sung, the entire Procession winds its way back to the Baptismal Font. There are prayers and responses to prayers and now the Celebrant puts his Blessing Hand in the font's waters and "divides the water in the form of a Cross" while asking Yahweh to "render this water fruitful for the regeneration of men." Unclean spirits are cursed and driven away. The Priest makes the Sign of the Cross 3 times over the water and calls the water "creature." Then he divides the water again and throws some of it to the north, south, east and west and thanks god for the miracle of Moses who brought forth water from the Rock and for the miracle of Christ who changed the water into Wine at the Wedding Feast of Cana. Then he breathes 3 times upon the surface of the water in the form of a Cross. Then comes the Christian Sex Act which models the Human Sex Act: the Celebrant dips the lighted Paschal Candle just a little into the water and sings to the Shekhina/Holy Ghost to descend into the waters of the font. He takes the candle out, then plunges it back into the water - deeper this time - and repeats his prayer to the Spirit to "Fructify the Waters." Then he withdraws the candle and then plunges it again into the water, this time ramming it thru the water all the way to the bottom of the font and repeating his plea for Shekhina to descend and "render the whole substance of this water fruitful with the quality of regeneration." And finally - while the lighted Fire of the new year is throbbing within the body of the water - the Priest bends to the font and "breathing 3 times over the water in the form of the Greek letter "Y" he continues" to ask the Spirit to impregnate the Living Waters. Then he slowly withdraws the Fire from the Water which is now Living and Pregnant with the Spirit of God. Then everybody smokes. They add Oil of Catechumens to the water in the form of a Cross, fill a sprinkling container with the Water and the whole procession wanders thru the church splashing all present with the pregnant waters of Shekhina.
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Newgrange is the place where the great mythical hero and christ-figure Cúchulainn was conceived by Dechtine his virginal mother. The hero's Spiritual father was Lugh the god of Light. Lugh pierced Dechtine in a dream she was having as she lay on the mound. |
The Etics figure that with a workforce of 300 it took 30 years to build the mound. 550 huge boulders were used for the kerbstones, the passage, and the burial chamber. None were quarried. All had to be brought to the site from the fields around the Brú and muscled into place.
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