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Jung writes that "Yahweh has lost sight of his pleromatic coexistence with Sophia [Shekhina] since the days of the Creation. Her place was taken by the covenant with the chosen people, who were thus forced into the feminine role." Bend over. And then later: "At the bottom of Yahweh's marriage with Israel is a perfectionistic intention [the Animus strives for Perfection while the Anima strives for Completion] which excludes that kind of relatedness we know as `Eros.' The lack of Eros, of relationship to values, is painfully apparent in the Book of Job." Fast Eddy Edinger takes a big hit off the Bong and exhaling he watches the smoke rise and curve gently into Spirals. Then he says: "The idea here is that Job's seeing of Yahweh [Job has had a Primalglimse at 40] has the effect of Yahweh's discovering his missing Eros." And then he and Jung sum up each other's books as they sum up the Book of Job: "Whoever knows God has an effect on him." Whoa! As they say in the Cafe Mélusina when Slag walks in. "Job's [gnosis] of God has the effect of making God conscious of the relatedness principle, because someone found him out in a state of unrelatedness and perceived that condition. That perception itself had the effect of correcting the situation." Classic Psychotherapy.
It is a bit of synchronicity but Skippy just received his Discover Magazine Special Edition: Top 100 Science Stories of 2006. Weighing in at number 72 is a discovery from Neuroscience which is detailed in an article called: "Source of Empathy Found." |
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It's a report on Mirror Neurons and Dutch researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. If you yawned when you saw the picture your Mirror Neurons are functioning. Skippy is betting that the Autistic among you did not yawn. The Dutch Etics, along with similar researchers at UCLA, now say not only do functioning Mirror Neurons fire when you Watch some Other perform an action, or Hear a sound which "reminds" you of that action, but they also fire when you Read about salient actions. "`It's as if the brain itself simulates the action while grasping the meaning of the words,' says neuroscientist Lisa Aziz-Zadeh, now at the University of Southern California, who led the study. Scientists and philosophers traditionally place our higher cognitive powers in a realm distinct from that of our senses and actions, but, Aziz-Zadeh observes, the faculties `are intrinsically tied to the flesh.'" The Embodied Mind. All of our abstractions - tied to the flesh. All of the Sacred - tied to the Profane. The implications of their findings about Reading are Cosmic and if someone at Discover Magazine really understood them the Finding would have been rated as #1 with a Bullet.
The relatedness principle, which Jung and Eddy refer to, is the ability to perceive and understand our relationship with the Others. For Yahweh this "Others" means his true relationship with Job, Man, Israel, his Shekhina, Himself, and the one he calls Satan and Lucifero. He does not yet know that all these "separate" emanations and Others are parts of himself. He cannot - yet - recognize himself in their reflections. When Job does, then Yahweh does. Because gnosis of god transforms god. God is now ready for Renewal thru the Hieros Gamos - the Sacred Marriage - what we have been calling the Divine Nuptials. In Alchemy this is Conjunctio where the Opposites Unite. God takes his Winged Phallus, his Shekhina, out of Job and Israel and now she is once again "visible" in his world. "The reappearance of Sophia [Shekhina] in the heavenly regions points to a coming act of creation. She is indeed the `master workman'; she realizes God's thoughts by clothing them in material form, which is the prerogative of all feminine beings [those who wear the veil]. Her coexistence with Yahweh signifies the perpetual hieros gamos from which worlds are begotten and born. A momentous change is imminent: God desires to regenerate himself in the mystery of the heavenly nuptials." As Skippy wrote when he began this Riff on Jung and Job - C. G. Jung did not want to write this book. It was the last book he wrote in his life and probably his most important. In it, he took the Veil off and said exactly what he believed about the relationship between god, man, the devil and history. As he once said , if the ideas in the book have not upset you then you have not understood them. Men create gods and their values and they do it by looking in the mirror. That should make you shudder if your Mirror Neurons have grasped the message. Jung wrote the Book finally because in 1950 Pope Pius 12 proclaimed that the Doctrine and Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven with both Body and Soul was now Catholic Truth and therefore Infallible. Jung said it was the most important religious event since the Reformation. The tale is not Scriptural. It comes from the "apocryphal literature" of the 4th century. It goes like this: Mary has died. The apostles were sitting in a circle by the Virgin's tomb on the 3rd day after her death. Whoa! Christ coagulated out of a Cloud and appeared before them and he had St. Mikey the Archangel with him who had brought along, in a little Miskan, the Virgin Mary's Soul. Suddenly - like Mélusina after her 7 years of sleep - her Body, uncorrupted and smelling of Roses, simply "issued gloriously" out of the Rock of her Tomb, and then the whole Krew ascended to a heavenly chamber with legions of angels and trumpets, and gulls filling the air and then "Pop!" The apostles were alone. Jung got this inner grin. The Shekhina was loose again and in heaven with her lover. High and Low, God and Man, Spirit and Matter were mingling again - in our time. The 3 of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, had become 4. Maria Prophetissa shoots - She Scores! Jung died before the 2nd shoe dropped and everything that he had ever believed in was validated by Pope John Paul 2 - who had taken a bullet for the Virgin on the Feastday of Fatima - before he, himself died, he made the 4 back into 2 by proclaiming that it was Catholic Dogma that Mary was now to be known as the Co-Redeemer of the World. And now together again after the 2000 year Eon of the Fish - in the Thalamus - the Bridal Chamber - they mingle in Conjunctio and become the 1 which is Pregnant with Itself. The Monad. Below - on the Middleworld - the little people busy themselves in Bricolage as they begin to construct the new Mask of god. I would love to tell you that they were conscious of what they were doing, but that would be Sartory. |
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You must go back to where you were. This is the end of the Jungjob Riff.