Slag lives on a beach called Paradesia. It's where we launch boats from for missions and recon. Îlot des Mouettes lies southwest thru the choppy waters of the 40 mile bay. Our Stoup and Font lie under these waters in the 4 fathom shallows which ring the coast. The Zebra Mussels, invaders hitching a ride on Salts which have sailed up the St. Lawrence and traversed the Welland Canal, are slowly filtering the waters and leaving us crystal clear inland seas. Before we could install the Shmird [Shekhina Mirror Device] on the island we had to face the Gull/Cormorant problem. The island is uninhabited; it's only about a 5 acre site. There are the ruins of an old 19th century mansion on the island, slowly they dissolve into the land. But there are a few thousand nesting Gulls and Cormorants on Îlot des Mouettes and over time the Cormorants especially have become a problem all over our area along the 45th Parallel. We needed a Final Solution. We needed an Einsatzgrüppen to swoop in and disinfect the sitzeeachun. Kenny put Slag in charge of the task and told him to build firewalls between the other members of Kenny to provide plausible deniability Nobody wanted to know anything about his methods. There were rumors that Slag's methods were "unsound." But there are always rumors. There are things that you don't want to know about the Speculum Veeaye Mission - there may be many things in this category - which is why we have gone Steganographic. If you absolutely must know about Slag's methods then click on the image below every time you see it on these pages. There are 8 Chapters to his report and you may either follow them page to page as the mission progresses or read them all at once. The choice is yours. You have a modicum of Free Will. Maybe you should think about how much you really want to know about Adventure Theology.
"You kill a Cistercian," Pooler is screaming at me, "and they're like fucking Gorgons. Every drop of their blood breeds more of them." Pooler has a history with the Cistercians and Skippy knows enough about it not to press. Cistercians were the Shock Troops of the Medieval Church. They colonized and then when the group got to be 50 or more, 12 of them would leave and bud another colony deeper into pagan territory. Over time the Cistercians covered Europe with their monasteries like a plague. They cut woods, drained swamps, and cleared land for their husbandry. This is Mellifont Abbey just north of Dublin and that's an 8-sided Lavabo where the monks would repair after a day's work to wash themselves and prepare for eating and religious activities. The Lavabo is 13th Century and Pooler says that the 8-sided feature smacks of Templar architecture. 8-sided was their calling card and the Templars had a long association with Cistercians.

This is the Shmird on its Dress Rehearsal. Once we were finished with constructing all of the parts: 18 Mirrors, 19 Pongee Rods, and the base structure of rampant trapezoids. We hung the Seed Stone from the cloaca of the sphere. As constructed, we hope to channel the Shekhina down thru the mirrors until it dwells within the sphere in its tent. For this reason we see the sphere as the Mishkan, the Tabernacle of our Cathedral Our Lady of the Ligne. The Hebrew word Miskhan means "place of dwelling," it is a derivative of the same root [sakan] as the word Shekhina which means literally "to settle, to inhabit, to dwell." In Mishnaic Hebrew the term Shekhina refers to "bird's nesting and nests." Both Mishkan and Shekhina can also mean "tent" - as does the Greek word Skéné. Now look at the words: skene, mishkan, and shekhina, and the root sakan which means "to pitch a tent." Get Steganographic and Cryptic. Notice that all 4 forms have the self-same progression of consonants: S - K - N. Remember that old Hebrew, like many languages did not have letters for vowels. Linguistic Etics love that kind of footprint. It helps to recognize cognates and ideas which are cognate. Tabernacle is a Latin word. It too means "tent." All these words can also mean "booth." Fuck the covertext, the deep structure is about "dwelling within." It is interesting that the Hebrew word for neighbor [shakhen] comes from the same root.
This is a Christian Tabernacle - it's in the Cathedral Museum at Sevilla - like the Ark of the Covenant, this Mishkan was built for processions and wanderings. 4 guys can Coolie rig it and carry it around like a Sedan. A Tabernacle is constructed to contain the presence of god on earth - Catholics use them to house the consecrated Host which thru alchemy and transubstantiation has become the living god in a material form. The Shehkina, for Jews, is also the living presence in the world of god. But god must have a tent for containment and protection. There is a crucial difference however, between the Host and the Shekhina. Christians believe that the Host is god. Case closed. It must be emphasized that in Judaism the Shekhina is not a goddess. The Shekhina is the feminine side of Yahweh, and like the Yin and the feminine archetype generally, she represents Matter. Yahweh is all Spirit - which is his problem. He is a disassociated god who has lost touch with the female part of the godhead. Yahweh has wood for Shekhina and the world of matter. He made the fuckin' monkeys and look what they became. They can taste, and touch, and are right on the verge of thinking for themselves. The Shekhina is the presence of god when god is in the world, incarnate. The visible god in Eden who strolls thru the garden in the cool of the evening is in the form of god's Shekhina, his dwelling place, his tabernacle, his body, his mansion, his tent.
That's the Captain above with the completed spike - a word about our language: a Spike is a Mission, a complete mission which can take a year or more. The name of this Spike is Speculum Veeaye and by now we bet you have a handle on the speculum/mirror aspect of it. The Veeaye part is coming, though Skippy has been leading you into it for 6 pages now and it's not yet visible but it is hiding in plain site. A spike, on the other hand, in miniscule, is the central object which we construct for the mission. All of our spikes and Spikes are part of Kenny's Opus, his Work, which is the construction of a Cathedral, both visible and hiding in plain site. Both virtual and hardcopy. The Cathedral rises along the 45th Parallel North. Our Lady of the Ligne is a Thousand Year Oak. Also - the words Shekhina and Mishkan etc. have a handful of different spellings, Skippy, no doubt, will use them all. He loves to fuck with the alphabet as code - think about it, how do you give a sound a coat? A shape? How can you make sound visible? That was Yahweh's dilemma. How could god fashion a container for itself so that it could be visible, and walk amongst us? How can god become an Indwelling? The alphabetical tents above the Captain say this: "It says what it says and the monkey says I slept with the Magdalen so I must be Christos or his Idiot brother Lucifero, and I am and I did, coming into the Miskan of the gods themselves."
Besides Templar constructions the number 8 is used to designate rebirth and renewal. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is 8 sided like the Cistercian Lavabo at Mellifont. Vishnu has 8 arms. Males are circumcised at 8 days. Christ rose from the dead on the 8th day of his Passion.
Every 8 years Venus and the Moon realign. The Octagon is a transitional shape between the Cube of Earth and the Sphere of Heaven. There are 8 outer Baths at the Alhambra in Granada. In Islam, Geometry takes the place of figurative art which is forbidden. 8 pointed stars are common in Islam .
Continue to Page 7