"In a universe of blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people (or organisms) are going to get lucky, and you won't find any rhyme or reason in it or any justice. The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, nor purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference." - Richard Dawkins, River out of Eden
This is the Seal of the Melchizedek Priesthood. It too is 8 sided. "Apator, ametor, agenealogetos." Melchizedek is often considered a Type of Christ. In scripture he is: "without father, without mother, without recorded genealogy." He stems from the same Mystery as Christ. The seal represents: Temple and Cosmos, and makes the claim that What is Above is What is Below.
Previous to Moses, sacrifices were offered by the head of the family. Abraham, most believe, was of the same period as Job. Then, the priest was the Father, or grandfather - the oldest in the family line. As the family grew to be a tribe the head came to be the king as well as the priest, so he was the priest/king of their tribe. Melchy is big in Mormonism but largely ignored elsewhere.
No design. No Purpose. No Evil. No Good. Dawkins is getting a lot of press these days. He's pissed off that the "right sorts" of people are not making targets of themselves by arguing against the idiocies of Creationism & religion generally. Life is a Motorcycle Accident, Dawkins declares. It has no larger purpose than culling the herd or arranging Carbon Atoms in stable configurations. Road Rash and pain are catalysts, not consequences. Job therefore deserves what he gets because what he gets is the random distribution of Wyrd in a world without "rhyme or reason." Shit Happens is the Logos-Raisonné of the Postmodern Our acceptance of this cold, indifferent cosmos makes us Priests of Melchizedek 8. We come from nowhere and no one and we're going back. For us, the River out of Eden is Recursive - like the number 8.
Skippy took this picture of this Monstrance thru a display glass and he left an anamorph of his reflected double in the left bottom. The damn thing leapt into animation - it became ensouled for the shutter. High muckyups in the Catholic Priesthood carry these Monstrosities in ritual processions. They are constructed dwellings for god when god graces us on earth with presence. They contain the consecrated Host which is Christ on earth. They are always gold and silver and embedded with jewels. Every Cathedral has a few of these for Special Ops. The ones in Spain and Portugal are made from gold and silver brought back from the New World where it had been mined by Native Slaves or simply stolen from them. You have to wonder how much god likes riding around on a Motocyclette fashioned from the pain of pagans. Dawkins will tell you that - like R. Crumb's Mr. Natural put it - in the end it "Don't Mean Shit."

The spike was done. It was ready for Installation which we were aiming at summer Solstice for lots of reasons which will unfold. The objet had a lot of the Monstrance about it. It was iconically fitting as well as symbolically. And it was functional. The mirrors worked. We spent a half day just walking around it and gazing into its facets. "There are 8 spokes in a Buddhist Wheel," Skippy intoned, as if it were a formula to raise the devil. "Fuck you," said Slag. "There are 8 electrons in the shells of Oxygen." Iwojima, who is actively after the Stone and the Red Powder, said that he has had dreams of Octahedrons. That's a polyhedron with 8 faces. The spike is an Octahedron - it consists of 6 faces on the base, the 1 face that kisses the ground and the 3D face of the Sphere. But the Lords of Misrule at Wikipedia cut to the chase: "The octahedron is unique among the Platonic solids in having an even number of faces meeting at each vertex. Consequently, it is the only member of that group to possess mirror planes that do not pass through any of the faces." You have to be stoned to understand that image - it's the only Platonic Solid which has "mirror planes that do not pass thru any of the faces." Holy Mother of Merde! Maybe stoned won't get you there. Maybe you have to be Enthused which in its roots "en theos" meant to be filled with god. All abstractions, like the Platonic Solids, come from the concrete. All of the Sacred takes its face from the Profane. Fascinating.
Geometry is a game for a certain type of Fool. One closer to the Tarot character than the medieval. Reading meaning into shapes is a hippy form of Topology which is a science which can map a place, a face, or geometric configurations. Topos is Greek for space and place. When you marry Geometry with Logic you get Topos. When the devil does it we get Matter. For the past few years the Captain has lost himself in Quantum Mechanics the physiopsychophilosophy of how worlds come to be from our marriages of geometry and logic. How space takes a shape in time. How we leak ourselves into the Logarithm so that what we see when we look is ourselves looking back. Everyone gets to live in his own self-created topos and face the gods and the demons which he himself has placed in his geometries. That just scares the hell out of Kenny La Roche, but since hell is a self-created space within us, we do our Cheshire Cat Grin and Pop Smoke. Let some other fool clean up.
Himmler used to build his SS Temples with 8 sides, but then since he modeled the SS on the old Teutonic Knights, who were the German edition of the Knights Templar then none of this should be a surprise. If reality is self-created & mediated thru a social reconstruction then it takes the shape of a code which is constructed from self-similar parts. Kenny La Roche is a Priest of the Melchizedekian 8. We've gone Kenotic and we've emptied out. When you're empty you get the Rush of believing in Nothing.
So the Hindus are generally correct when they say that god is a diamond with a billion faces each reflecting all the others and wherein itself is reflected. Recursive motha fucka. But that's more than just a Hip-Hop curse. That's what Newgrange and Speculum Veeaye and god are all about. Creation is based on our consciousness; we get the cosmos we deserve. Consciousness is based on Self-Awareness and the test of Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize yourself in a Mirror. It's an argument that when you do this you should be Empty.
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