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UNDERSTANDING ACTION - neurons associated with hand/mouth actions fire when a monkey grabs a raisin on a plate [1]. The same neurons fire again when an Eyetie grabs a raisin as the monkey only watches [2]. Fuckin' monkeys - they'll steal raisins from Italians. | ||||||||||||||||
I am quoting from: "Mirrors in the Mind," by Giacomo Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi and Vittorio Gallese, in Scientific American, November, 2006 - In experiments with monkey, the authors discovered subsets of neurons in brain-motor regions whose activation appeared to represent actions themselves. Firing by these `Mirror Neurons' could therefore produce in one individual an internal recognition of another's act. Because the neurons' response also reflected comprehension of another's goal, the authors concluded that action understanding is a primary purpose of the mirror mechanism. Involvement of the mirror neurons in comprehending the actor's final intention was also seen in their responses, which distinguished between identical grasping actions performed with different intentions."
DISCRIMINATING GOAL -"An F5 mirror neuron fired intensely when the monkey observed an experimenter's hand moving to grasp an object [1] but not when the hand motioned with no object as its goal [2]. The same neuron did respond to goal-directed action when the monkey knew an object was behind an opaque screen, although the animal could not see the act's completion [3]. The neuron responded weakly when the monkey knew no object was behind the screen [4]." It's obvious that it is Mirror Neurons which provide "a direct internal experience, and therefore understanding, of another person's act, intention or emotion." I think that if the Vatican would have known about Mirror Neurons at the Council of Nicea in 325 we would have inherited a very different model of the Trinity and especially the position of the Spirt, the Ghost, the Shekhina within that Trinity. Mirror Neurons provide the bases for Society, for reciprocity systems within all animal behavior. I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine is impossible without Mirror Neurons. Love your Neighbor as Yourself and Do Unto Others ... are all empty abstractions without the ability of understanding the needs and the actions and the intentions of the others. Sartre was right: Hell is Other People. But Hell is where we live, down here with the rest of the shards. Broken Vessels disrupt Unity and occasion Multiplicty. Suddenly there are Others. What the fuck do they want? | ![]() |
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"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown" |
Gull Fever! We beached the boats and started unpacking the gear. The air became plastic around us as it filled with moving things - it literally leapt into animation. Skippy had this horrible flashback to Mississippi on a 105° June afternoon when he & Lou abandoned the motorcycle and ran down to the rocky shores of the Ross Barnett Reservoir. They were throwing off pieces of clothing as they ran giggling down to the water - Skippy hung there, near-naked, over the man-made lake and wondered why the waters were boiling. Snakes! Thousands of Snakes, all intertwining like Celtic Knots and making the water alive. Now he stood on the cusp of the Island and braved the thick air as it broiled and bubbled and cursed and shrieked. The observation boats were hanging off shore 50 to 100 yards, just outside the roiling hemisphere of birds. It's a damn good thing that nothing bothers the Cormorants and that they're so fucking dumb you can walk right up to them and spit in their beady, dead eyes. If those black bastards also took to the air the Landing Team would have stalled on the beach like at Omaha & Juno and lay cowering behind their shit stained boats. | ![]() |
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"A casual stroll thru the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Nietzsche |
"The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad." - Nietzsche
"All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth." - Nietzsche
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