"It's the same friggin' idea as Chimps watching people smoke and then copying it," said Prasertsak Buntragulpoontawee, the Thai researcher. He and other Etics in Thailand have been celebrating the Panda Boom. It is notoriously difficult to get Giant Pandas which have been raised in captivity to mate successfully. "Uninitiated males" get it all wrong. Just like Terry Norton telling Skippy about Sex in the 4th grade. He had the concept right, lots of thrusting, pump, pump, squish. But the parts and the sequences were jumbled and poor Skippy stayed a virgin long past the norm. So they've been showing the male Pandas movies of Pandas Fucking - complete with Panda foreplay, copulation, and Panda afterglow. Wham! Bam! Thank you Mam! The DVDs work like a charm, a fascinus. It's as if much gnosis lays dormant & latent & right under the skin until the right Mirror Neurons fire in the mind to literally "show us" how it's done. None of this is a surprise to Konrad Lorenz & other Ethologists who have known for decades about such "sign-release behavior." None of this is a surprise to people who worry about Codes and Semiotics. This info on the Pandas came to Skippy in a local Newspaper article with the title: "`Porn' helps pandas get into the mood." Porn. Some Christian Idiot thinks this is Porn. Nietzsche was right about Values and the future - he knew damn well that the only business for the last 2 centuries of the Western Mythos would be the Revaluation of all Values. Everything in our Western Minds was going to have to be scrubbed - washed away, thrown away. Yahweh is dead. His son is not coming back. The Spirit is loose and looking for a form.
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