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Jung's interpretation of the Book of Job paints a world where a part of creation, Job, has achieved a higher perspective than his creator, Yahweh. "Something that has never occurred before in the history of the world, the unheard-of-fact that, without knowing it or wanting it, a mortal man is raised by his moral behavior above the stars in heaven, from which position of advantage he can behold the back of Yahweh, the abysmal world of `shards.'" Eddy remembers his Kabbalah where the Ur-God is just a Geometric Point - one of those solitary James Dean motha-fuckas who cannot find himself in a Topos with other, outside Points to refer himself to. En Soph, the Toledo Rabbis called it. Out of that Point issued First Man/The Light who immediately went Kenotic and emptied himself out into the 10 Sefiroth - the Sefirotic Tree of Life. But in the pouring of the Light into the Shells or Vessels of the 10, only the first 3 could hold the Light. The lower 7 could not take the Blowback and they Broke.
With the Breaking of the Vessels into the Quadrafuckingquintillion Shards, Time and Topos began. The shards took on the Mask of Matter and in this system Matter falls into the great abyss, creating it, as gravity does, and lending it the attitude of Evil and Corruption and Death. It forms a Cosmos of Polar Opposition to the En Soph. So Job is the story of a Shard who has seen something that the Unbroken Vessel could not - morality, justice, from the monkey's point of view. Remember. Keep remembering. It is man and his propensity to abstract and to symbolize which creates the masks of god. Yahweh is the mask of a people who believe that they have been chosen by god and now it appears that god chose them to suffer, and to bleed, and to scrape their festering wounds with broken potsherds. And by the Time of the Book of Job, the author of the Book of God, has reached a level of self-awareness and consciousness so that he want's to know why god acts like an Autistic Child? Jung says in a footnote: "The naive assumption that the creator of the world is a conscious being must be regarded as a disastrous prejudice which later gave rise to the most incredible dislocations of logic." What's that type of Irony called? Understatement? Mimesis I want to say, but I know that's wrong. Jung says that it is only when we finally grok that the Mask of God which we have created suffers from a "divine unconsciousness and lack of Reflection" that we will be able to bricolage that Mask into a "conception of God which puts his actions beyond moral judgment and allows no conflict to arise between goodness and beastliness." Or between the Sacred and the Profane. Or Spirit and Matter. Or any other duality and opposition which has been formed by all the spilled light. |