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The Etics called it a "Social Brain" and as the model of Monkey thinking shifted so did the protocols of AI. Research centered on the Specific Task and building a Machine Mind to accomplish it. Intelligence, the AI teams found, could be assembled from "groups of systems that operated according to their own kind of reasoning." Fuck the idea of crafting Silicon to think like Monkeys who believed they were born with Original Sin. How could you Binary that Suicidal Meme? Intelligence was no longer seen as Unitary but as a collection of specific ways of Thinking which could - in controlled conditions - grant us the Illusion of a Unitary Intelligence. That was the breakthru - not a discovery about Silicon, but a revelation about Carbon - Monkey Mentalité was largely based on Perceptual Illusions and our much vaunted ToM - our Theory of Minds - was based on the Illusion that Other Minds were working just like ours. So it's no surprise that the Pioneers in AI made the same mistake - thinking that thinking had to be like our thinking. Leibniz made the same mistake - his certainty about Universal Characteristics was using the wrong Algorithms - those based on "Logical" propositions in a world were there are too many different kinds of "Logic." The Universe is built up from Probabilities and Potentialities and not on "Done Sets." Teaching Machines to "Think" about the World using the false assumptions of Universal Logic led nowhere. So the AI gurus downsized the task: instead of trying to Teach a Machine they decided to simply Monkey See, Monkey Do the task - Show the fucking thing what a Monkey would do and then let it figure out how to accomplish the goal. The results were successful - our Machines are literally taking over our world and all of its tasks - but the "Intelligence" behind them turned out to be nothing like ourselves. We have constructed "Artificial" minds which are now beyond our comprehension. When we sit at our Computers the Theory of Minds falls apart. They are Ganz Andere - Wholly Other. | ||||||||||||||||
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But then all Representations are exactly that: Ganz Andere - Completely Different. Schopenhauer was Otaku; he was swallowed up by his theory linking the World, our Will, and Representations. All Art is composed of our feeble attempts at Representation - and always there is the Urge to Create our Representations in the Mirror of Ourselves. Man is the Measure of all things. Man is the Micro of some Macro. This we have been hoping. | |||||||||||||||
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Click 9 & fall into the Valley.
We have fashioned our gods in our own image and as McLuhan has shown every Medium which gives us its Illusion of a Real World is an extension of one of our Perceptual Systems. The Book extends the Eye & our Experiences. The Radio extends our Ears & our Experiences. The Computer and its Electronic brethren extend our Minds & our Experiences. But the Machines and the Media don't just Extend - they mold, shape, truncate, and finally take the place of our Perceptions and our Experiences. None of those things is like us in their parts & materials, but they have usurped us in their Functions. | ||||||||||||||||
"The fruits of the AI revolution are now all around us. Once researchers were freed from the burden of building a whole mind, they could construct a rich bestiary of digital fauna, which few would dispute possess something approaching intelligence." Indeed. Skippy wants to say the same thing about the Monkey: we are slowly evolving into "something approaching intelligence." Google grins. That fuckin' Bot knows. But since we cannot ascribe to Google our own ToM - since, under the skin Google does not reason in the same way - we can't really Know it Knows. We do not recognize Thought or Thinking which is not like our own. The Autistic are doomed to another Century of our benign neglect because of this. It's a Neckercube Problem if you want an Analogy. There is more than one Solution, more than one Truth, but our minds can never know that all at once. Wired tells us that "we are engaged in a permanent dance with machines, locked in an increasingly dependent embrace. And Yet, because the bot's behavior isn't based on human thought processes, we are often powerless to explain their actions." They plunge us into the Uncanny Valley - they are so much like us but so strangely different. Well, they're here for good, the bots & the pensive machines. It is no longer Science Fiction to say: "The computers are in Control. We just live in their world." | ||||||||||||||||
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In the 1980s the Etics built an AI System to help Pathologists Analyze their Research Results. It freaked them out. It gave up the Answer too Quickly. So they added a "delay loop with a flashing light, as though it were huffing and puffing to come up with the answers." This Humanized the Machine and made it more comfortable to work with. How Autofigurative do you think we should be? Or are we doomed to mistake forever the model of ourselves with the model of the world? | ||||||||||||||||
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Click 6 and Vanish.
John the Baptist was not the Messiah, though since he was announcing the Messiah, he was destined to be mistaken for the One whose sandals he was not worthy to loosen. John was the Precursor to the New Dispensation - the New Reality of the Christian Cosmos - he was Cousin to the Christ but Ganz Andere to the Christ. He lived outside the Grid in a Desert of his own imaginings. | ||||||||||||||||
"Do not mistake the Pointing Finger for the Moon," the Chinks tell us. But "The Medium is the Message," McLuhan responds. Whorf says that you are a Prisoner of your Language since your language is the Medium with which you construct Reality and every Language has its own unique Perspective on that Reality. A Language molds & shapes Reality. It's constant use grooves us into its ways of thinking until we mistake that "way" for the thing itself. Kant's Ding an Sich - the Unknowable "Thing in Itself" which is beyond all means and modes of Perception. "We are still within the narrow circle of knowledge covered by our sense-experience. Space and time do not widen that circle; neither do the categories. The knowledge, therefore, which we acquire by the understanding is confined to the appearances of things, and does not extend to the noumenal reality, the Ding an sich." Baruch Spinoza, Descartes's "little jew," said that to approach the unapproachable and the unknowable the Monkey would have to give up its privileged Point of View - it's Perspective - and see the Thing from Nowhere. Good luck on that - but start small - Imagine, if you can, both Faces of this Neckercube at once. Go ahead. We'll wait. In the end, we have nothing better to do. | ||||||||||||||||
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Roman Xenia Paintings separate the Represented world into the Raw and the Cooked - into Nature and Culture. Lévi-Strauss says those are the Baseline Oppositional Dichotomies of the World - but not THE WORLD - only the world which is Represented in our heads. Nature seems to come to us from god, while Culture forms from the work of our hands and our shared constructions of Reality. | ||||||||||||||||
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Click 16 for the last Slide Show of Chosen Arrow.
Kenny La Roche is an Alchemist and an Outlaw Artist & Adventure Theologian. We place objects which we have invested with Meaning in the Seldom Seen of our Disenchanted Environment. We do these things for the Glory of God even though we don't believe in the kinds of gods which the monkeys have created out of themselves. We see god's new Form forming behind the Formless Form and this one isn't perfect either. But it's what we do. We are Monkey's too and we are living in Someone Else's House. And we know that now. | ||||||||||||||||
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Click the Atheism button to the left to read the last chapter on god - the No Gate Gate. Click the Molecule of Substance and finish the riff on Spinoza. This is the End of the Chosen Arrow Mission Notes. Ita Missa Est.