More and more the lesson surfaces in our sciences and arts: It's about the Form first, and only later the Content. That opaque bastard Jacques Derrida nailed it when he said: "This problem of communication and receivability, in its new techno-economic givens, is more serious than ever for everyone." He said that there were only 4 kinds of "Truth" in Images: 1. A Presentation of a Presentation. 2. A Presentation of a Representation. 3. A Representation of a Presentation. 4. A Representation of a Representation. But there was also the "True Truth" - this is the world "without Mediation or Mask and resembling itself sufficiently." Jacques and Merleau-Ponty used to get stoned on good Neckercube Skunk and argue about the Argument between Nietzsche and Rousseau. They'd be piss-drunk on Beajolais, squatting in the Café du Ragnarok off the Boulmich' & bumming Gauloises from the Passersby. Red-eyed, breath like lamp oil, screaming about "Nearness and Thereness!" Merleau-Ponty said that Kant was a dickhead for claiming that Space was the Setting "in which things are arranged." Ponty puffed & pouted and said that Space was not a Container in which things are enclosed but that it must be conceived as "empty of objects, but it will always be filled with Visibility." That was the "Affordance" of Space - Visibility. The Monkey is a Viewing Subject and he enters a space "more ancient than Thought" thru the tool of his Perception, "and therefore Perception and Space represent the fact of the subject's birth." For Merleau-Ponty, Perception is "a nascant Logos." Space exists as a "Form of Being in the world," which preceded the Subject-Object Relationship. Perception was "simultaneously Immanent and Transcendent." It is in Perception that we find "Lebensgefühl" or "Feeling of Life. "When you add Depth to the mixture of Space & Perception you have the seeds of Realism. Descartes thought Depth was invisible and that the 3 dimensions of height, width, and depth were "indifferently interchangeable." He saw Depth as "Width viewed in Profile." Ponty says Merde to that - shifting our Viewpoint by rotating it 90 degrees would not, he claims, "transform depth into breadth and vice versa." To Ponty: Depth does not belong to things around us but to our very Perspective and that Perspective was always "Ours." So it was the most Existential of all Dimensions. Length & Height connected the things in front of us, but Depth allowed those things to seemingly Overlap. "Constituting a relation between us and the visible objects around us" - a Rhetoric. | ![]() |
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So Breadth & Height juxtapose things in the world while Depth Envelops them. Depth is not a Social Construction, nor a "thought" in the Subject's Reality. "Depth is a given, a possibility of the subject involved in the world, a `thickness of a medium devoid of anything.'" Depth, like all Dimensions, is a Degree of Freedom. For Ponty, it is the 1st Dimension and not the 3rd. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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14 Clicks on the Butterfly will get you edjewkated up on Still Lifes and the Rhetoric of Perspective. “Depth is conceived as the possibility of saying that a thing is `there.’” For Ponty VISION is “the means given me for being absent from myself.” Like Language and all Symbol Systems - means of being Absent from Ourselves. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
So either Depth is nothing, or it is some kind of a participation in a Being, a being of space that is beyond any point of view.” Vision plays with the dichotomy of the fact that Seeing is also Being Seen, but since we cannot see ourselves seeing this part of vision remains Invisible. “The visible is not merely the sum total of all visible things, but a surface of an inexhaustible depth, in which things are enveloped by our gaze. The envelopment of the gaze unveils things in veiling them with the gaze.” We open up the world by looking at it. Depth is “thickness” and understood “as a potential visibility.” We see things and are separated from them by the “thickness of the look ... It is that the thickness of flesh between the seer and the thing is as constitutive for the thing’s visibility as for the seer’s corporeality; it is not an obstacle between them, it is their means of communication.” | ![]() |
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16 Clicks will finish the Delivery Mission. I wonder where Skippy gets all the pretty Butterflies? And I wonder what they `Stand for.' Skippy is way too `Deep' to use them only as Triggers for his Slide Shows.
In other words: a Rhetoric. So Visibility is not caused by a thing’s existence: rather it “brings the thing into being.” Then Hanneke says: “The means of communication between us and an object are generated neither by matter nor materiality but by the intertwining of vision and touch.” Vision allows us to “see how things would feel.” And remember, like seeing things thru vision - “when we touch something, it is simultaneously touching us, and additionally we are also touching the touch itself.” | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Vision and touch have this Reversibility. Even looking at ourselves in the mirror we do not see ourselves seeing - we see our face, but not our GAZE. Vision and Touch Map each other and form each other’s complement but they do not Merge. The Breakfast Still Lifes show us the “complex intertwining between the visible and the tactile.” Perspective separates the viewer from the viewed, but the SLs give us a “viewpoint that is so close to the pictorial plane that the viewer’s gaze crosses a boundary, or rather blurs the distinction between the space of the viewer and the picture.” | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Click on the ButterSoul 9 Times to dig the Baptist
What we see seems to be within our reach but is not. The realism of the objects - the Roemer, the fish, the oysters, etc - makes us “see” their “Touch.” We see the feel of bread etc. without their actually being a texture - only 2D pigment on canvas. Texture is brought near to us which actually does not exist except in our vision. “We see it there where it is not.” So “..we may caress the painted objects with our gaze, enveloping them with the thickness of depth and the flesh of the look, but we are not able to penetrate the shallow space with our eyes. We see a distance that is near - a glimpse of the flesh” of Depth. How could anything be fucking clearer? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Marshall Mcluhan writes: "If a new technology extends one or more of our senses outside us into the social world, then new ratios among all of our senses will occur in that particular culture. It is comparable to what happens when a new note is added to a melody. And when the sense ratios alter in any culture then what had appeared lucid before may suddenly become opaque, and what had been vague or opaque will become translucent." Every medium expands one or more of our senses. Look what the automobile has done for our feet. Depth - and all Forms of Perception - act the same - they Expand us in some way. All Technologies, like Alphabets, Printing Presses, and even Speech, exert a profound "gravitational effect on cognition," which then affects our Social Organizations and Changes our Perceptual habits. Print Tech led to Modernity in the West. It fostered Individualism and Democracy, as well as Protestantism, Capitalism, Nationalism, and thru dudes like Descartes & Spinoza - it fostered Ragnarok itself - the Death of the Gods. We live in constant Teddycaustic Forms. Modernity exists to Kill god. Spinoza knew this as a Necessity within the System. An Inevitability. Or maybe it's all just a fucking matter of Perception & Perspective. Who knows? | ![]() |
"Instead of tending towards a vast Alexandrian library the world has become a computer, an electronic brain, exactly as an infantile piece of science fiction. And as our senses have gone outside us, Big Brother goes inside. So, unless aware of this dynamic, we shall at once move into a phase of panic terrors, exactly befitting a small world of tribal drums, total interdependence, and superimposed co-existence. ... Terror is the normal state of any oral society, for in it everything affects everything all the time. ... In our long striving to recover for the Western world a unity of sensibility and of thought and feeling we have no more been prepared to accept the tribal consequences of such unity than we were ready for the fragmentation of the human psyche by print culture. ...Print is the technology of individualism. If men decided to modify this visual technology by an electric technology, individualism would also be modified. To raise a moral complaint about this is like cussing a buzz-saw for lopping off fingers. `But', someone says, `we didn't know it would happen.' Yet even witlessness is not a moral issue. It is a problem, but not a moral problem; and it would be nice to clear away some of the moral fogs that surround our technologies. It would be good for morality."
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Click the Vatican Tat to the West to get Pissy over the Quanta Cura. Click the stolen button to the East to get Pissy with Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz.
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