In Bruno's time the Campo de' Fiori - field of flowers - was a mecca for thieves, pimps, whores, Cardinals, nobles, and fishmongers. It was probably the liveliest market in Rome. The artist Caravaggio lost a pick-up game of "tennis" in the square and promptly killed the loser with his bare hands. Cellini, the goldsmith, lured a rival to the Campo and then murdered him amongst the légumes. The 15th century Courtesan Vannozza Catanei, the mistress of Pope Alexander VI, saved her jewels and bought up several inns and bordellos which surround the square. Actually, nothing's changed much in the field of flowers.
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"This entire globe, this star, not being subject to death and dissolution and annihilation being impossible anywhere in Nature, from time to time renews itself by changing and altering all its parts.
from De la cause, principio et uno by Giordano Bruno London, 1584 |
No one in America has the artistic take on the animal form as the Northern Michigan Artist Bill Allen. We installed Venus - the 4th Temple Bell of the Cathedral Our Lady of the Ligne - in the rear garden of the Leland, Michigan art gallery Main Street Gallery owned by Malcolm. Be sure and see Bill's work at both his site and at the Main Street Gallery site where he is a featured artist. Kenny talked Bill into making us the Orphic Snake and when it was finished Jacky O of Kenny La Roche painted it. The best fun we have is working with other artists on a collaborative piece. Kenny La Roche is a Group-Artist and we allow the group to swell as necessary. We were fortunate to get Bill Allen involved on the Temple Bell Venus piece and look forward to him joining with Kenny on future Spikes.
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With Venus - the 4th Temple Bell installed - we have stopped work on the belfry of our Cathedral and now resume with the current mission: Athanorian Rose. We will build the last 3 Temple Bells as time and circumstance allow.
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"This kind of musical spirit actually touches and acts on the spirit, which is the mean between body and soul, and wholly disposes both in accordance with its own disposition. You will indeed allow that there is marvellous power in lively, singing spirt, if you concede to the Pythagoreans and Platonists that the heavens are spirit, ordering everything with their movements and tones."
Marsilio Ficino De Vita coelitus comparanda - Florence 1489 |
That's Jacky O and Bill Allen standing under Venus; in back of Jacky O you can see one of Bill's basilisks seemingly acting as the Temple Guardian. Venus is both the Morning and the Evening Star - she is both Solar and Lunar and is therefore the uniter of all Opposites. Her Element is Copper which like the Planet is limnal, transitional, but in matter to the Gold - not yet attained. Venus is the Waters. Like Okeanos, her earlier Greek Avatar, she girdles the Earth as a great Serpent River and Creative Mother. To the Romans, Venus was Love and Harmony - Julius Caesar claimed her as Genetrix. As Aphrodite, Venus is the Erotic pull between opposing things.
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It was the bells that the Romans remember most about that cold February day in 1600 when the Roman Inquisition had Giordano Bruno burned as a heretic. Some of the Nolan's followers - who called themselves Giordanistas - had set them to tolling all over the Eternal City. It was an unholy noise that made the Vatican nervous. Galileo's work led to science and industry - Bruno's was too Hermetic for the Brave New World of utility and proof. So Bruno faded with his age until recently when our intuitions have again reawoken to the quantum uncertainties of the Nolan's Infinities.
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