"Tabernacle Girls!" Pooler Jones was slamming Single Malt and screaming "Tabernacle Girls," at 2 Topless Dancers the slobbering crowd had bullied into going Bottomless. Now they stood buck nekid in a dark corner of the cavernous room in Porto where the after-concert party was swelling to a climax. We had been arguing with this fleshy blonde creature who said she was a Twin after we told her that she looked just like the sexy blonde chick who posed for the concert flyers. The flyers were all over Porto and they had led Pooler and I to the concert. We just bluffed our way into the party. English is the lingua-franca of Acid and Rave and Punk Orgies. It's the medium of Rock & Roll which had been especially designed by Lucifero himself to bring the shards home. Pooler was explaining to a small knot of teen and 20-something girls, mostly Portuguese - but there were Americans, a handful of Germans, and some Spanish girls too - how the Vatican used to decide what was Canonically Obscene. Pooler and Skippy speak Glossolalia when they have too. All languages at once. Pooler says that when he uses it on chicks he calls it Glossolabia because of all the sweet talk, I guess. "Tumescence," he was yelling over the crowd noise. "If the words or the image gave a Bishop wood, then they were obscene." Really filthy shit, he explained, used to escape local censure if the Bishop was old or just too saintly to get it up. Why were we talking about this? Because when we got to the party and Pooler saw this fleshy blonde chick dressed in pink leather low-cuts and a T-shirt which said: Fetal Incest and fluttered with a wave-like motion as her large tits moved underneath - he went right up to her and said: "You dress for T don't you?" And her eyes got big and she asked: "What's T?" And Pooler grabbed her elbow, smiled, and leaned into her: "Tumescence," He said. She smiled and her eyes wavered. Then she said: "What's Tumescence." And he answered: "That's how the Pope knows what's up." So I guess he felt he had to tell her the rest. When he was finished, and 8 or so of the teen-girls and 20-somethings were giggling, Skippy piped in and told them that story about how the Vatican can tell what is Obscene is Apocryphal, at best. But the girls were talking T now and none of them wanted to know what Apocryphal meant.
The next morning, the fleshy blonde woke up on the floor of our room In Bélem. We had spent the night talking about Spengler and Nietzsche and the Entzauberung der Welt and why Deviant Art was the Shekhina of our times. She was very much more intelligent than her wonderful tits signified. So we all just passed out and there was no sex and when we all woke up we laughed about that considering the context of our meeting. She was Danish but it doesn't matter what her real name was. Before she left she joked that Pooler owed her a Mythic Fucking since we had spent the night talking Mythos and ignoring the flesh. Pooler said: I know just the place and we told her about May in Ireland and our plans to see Newgrange and Beltany Tops where the Archetypal Mayday festivals would quickly turn into an orgy around the circle and around the fire. What happens if it rains? she laughed. Lightning will goose us in the act, said Pooler. Lightning from the Sun? she asked, since Beltane was a Solar Festival. And that's when Pooler snapped his finger and told her that her Kenny name would be Savitri Devi who was a beautiful Nazi who took a Hindu name and wrote a book called: Lightning and the Sun. Pooler's women come and go with the seasons, most of them last about a year. One Great Round. Skippy only liked about half of them and was glad to see most of them fade away, but he liked Savitri.
Eddy Rickets probably has another name. To Skippy, he looks like a character in a Russian Novel, so that means he'll have 4 or 5 different names depending on who is addressing him. In North American Native world view a person gains a name thru a social relationship. Your mother calls you one name, your hunting Krew will call you another. Your wife could have a name for you too. Mixing these names in inappropriate social milieux could be very insulting, and since Primal Peoples find it impossible to separate the medium from the message then every name and every word has Power. Mana. A name is potent gris-gris. Words and Names can be wounding. William the Conqueror put a Druid at the Tip of the Spear for his invading Army which ran thru the English Saxons like ...like a what? Like a "Bel" - that's it, like a "Bhel." The Druid was there to Curse the Saxons into whimpering bitches so the Normans could mount them and create the English race and Language from its bastards. Eddy Rickets is a Licensed Pro - he's somekinda Medico - but you never get to name yourself. That's the secret about Naming: You will bear the Names given to you by the Others. Naming is a Social-Gig and it depends on Mirror Neurons, on what the Others see in you. Some Male birds are brightly colored with long flashy tales because that's what turns the Females on, not because they painted themselves.
Cinematography is the Rhetoric of its Age. From now on The Revolution Will Be Filmed and nearly all cultural arguments will float around films. Like Brokeback Mountain and The Last Temptation of Christ. Thomas Aquinas, like Aristotle, taught Rhetoric at the University of Paris in the Middle-World when they were having the argument about whether or not humans were free to pursue all knowledge, all that could be known, or were restricted to the Authorized Version. Because of Aquinas and his Krew we can read Aristotle. |
A Gull shat on Thomas Aquinas and we knew that was a sign. Thank god that Kenny has a menschenkenner like Skippy who can read the signs. Slag and Skippy once shared an office in a Major University. Their Division stuck them in the Basement in a room with no windows, next to a warren where a part-time chemist was after the Stone. Their academic fields were Communication Sciences, Rhetoric and Linguistics, Semiotics, Symbol Systems and other Bearers of Meaning. Everyone thinks they're Fay because they put up Track Lighting. But they aren't because it's all about the Light. People feared them.