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Dr. Jane deVyver is an Etic with an insight. In her online Article "The Transfiguration: Old Testament Presence in New Testament Event," she supports her claim that the Christian Feast/Holyday called the Transfiguration is a lightly transformed version of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles.
The Transfiguration is big in the Orthodox East, where it is a favorite subject of Icons, but is mostly ignored in the Christian West. Here's the skinny: Jesus and Peter, with James and John, are daytripping on Mt. Tabor. Of a sudden Jesus goes Supernova - he flares, his face becomes like the Sun itself and the apostles have to hide from the reflection. His clothes are described as being "white as light." The Krew then see Jesus rapping with Moses and Elijah - try not to forget that these Christians were Jews - Peter is seized by the Wut! Let us build 3 Tabernacles, he says, 1 for Jesus, 1 for Moses, and one for Elijah the Prophet. Wooosh! A "bright cloud" suddenly overshadows the Boys on the Mountain and out of this cloud comes Yahweh's voice - remember, he's all Afterglow from his Mating with the Shekhina Above which has produced the Divine Child of the New Round below - so the voice is fatherly and proud and says: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Auctoritas, the middle ages called it. Authority. The Greek word which the bible uses to translate Tabernacle is "skéné" - which I know you will remember first meant "tent." But why does Peter want to build 3 of them, and why are Moses and Elijah sucked into this script? And also, this scene is too Jewish for Christian tastes, why hasn't it been "refined" and transmuted into a Christian Mask like the rest of the Old Testament? Protestant Menschenkenners. see the story as an Objective Correlative - a group of scenes, meaning nothing between themselves, but casting shadows and innuendoes of its real meaning. Or they claim that it is an error in sequencing in the New Testament and that the Scene took place "after the resurrection" and they were looking on the Heavenly Light Body of Jesus the Christ. The idea that the revealed word of god has such sequential errors is suicidal to the infallibility of Christian dogma so that dog don't hunt. The Orthodox need no further exegesis - they love making Icons that glow - and the story doesn't bother them a whit. Now Moses, when he led Israel thru the Spirals for 40 years, would build a quick and rude structure of grasses and twigs and cover it with fabric to make a Tent and this would have to do as the Tabernacle and Temple wherein the Shekhina could Dwell as a whole people on the constant move could build no more permanent or finer structure. From this rude Miskan came the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as the Feast of Booths, The Feast of the Ingathering - because it is also an autumn Harvest Festival - and Sukkot, the Hebrew word for all of this. The festival can last for 8 days and in the days of Jesus the people would leave their homes and live in small booths of twigs and branches from the flowering trees. The Jews decorated their villages and cities with boughs of Citron and myrtle, palm and willow. It celebrated the Wanderings in the Wilderness when the people lived Unmediated on and off the land. Over time, there were 2 additions to the Feast: first, drawing water from the Pool of Siloam, blessing it and then pouring it upon the Altar as a memorial of the Water from the Rock in Horeb. Second: the Lighting of Lamps at night, a memorial to the Shekhina, who as a Pillar of Fire guided the Jews at night. It was a "Bright Cloud" as Yahweh who guided the Jews in the desert during the day. One day Moses, who could talk with these Manifestations of Cloud and Pillar, asked god for a bigger Glimpse, a Primalglimse - if you will. Show me more of your Face, he asked god. God said: "I will let all my glory pass in front of you, and I will pronounce before you the name of YHWH ... You cannot see my face, for man cannot see me and live ... Here is a place beside me. You must stand on the Rock, and when my glory passes by, I will put you in a Cleft of the Rock and shield you with my hand while I pass by. Then I will take my hand away and you shall see the back of Me, but my Face is not to be seen." When god appears to Elijah he hides him in the same Cleft of the Rock where he had shielded Moses. When Jesus becomes Flesh to Dwell among us, he becomes the skéné, the Tabernacle, the Tent of god's presence on Earth, the Shekinah. Thus the Transfiguration of Christ recapitulates - Typologically - the methods which god used to appear to his Shekhina when his Shekhina was Israel. |