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Shekhina - an Objective Correlative | ||||||||
She is the `Master Workman' and realizes god's thoughts by clothing them in material form. She is the great and wide sea so she can embrace and contain the whole world. She was driven out of Paradise with Adam, "like a wife sent away by her husband." She will return to redeem the world. She is the Pillar of Fire which led Moses by night as he and Israel moved in their Spirals thru 40 years in the wilderness. Her Wyrd is Jehovah who led them by day as a Cloud. She is the Chi in the Ark of the Covenant. She is the Mana in the Icon. When Jehovah speaks from the Tabernacle it is Shekhina we hear. She is the Tent of Sarah and the Miskan itself. In Solomon's Temple she sleeps between the wings of the Cherubim. Shekhina is Joshua - the Christ and Israel itself. When the Temples were destroyed she dried up, both above and below. She is Temple and Cathedral. She is an Indwelling Glory. Man is the house of Shekhina, the Tent, the Tabernacle, the Miskan of Shekhina. She is the Anima of the Tabernacle below which is Man. She is the Waters Above and the Waters Below - when Yahweh separated them, she became Creation. She is the Mother Jews and Christians and Moslems have lost. She is the Holy Ghost. She is a Dick with Wings. When she flutters over the abyss things Animate. When god created Man in his own image, "both Male and Female he created them" - She was Top Model for Eve and a Spark in Adam. "Shekhina is the Eden which is above, whence the river of life flows forth that waters the Garden below. " When she is the waters above she is as Elohim, but when she is the waters below the firmament she is Adonai. She is Yin and Passive and receives the forces and powers from the higher Sefirot. Bride. Princess. Mouth. Lover of the other 9. She is the last letter in the Tetragrammaton. Blue. Black. The Song of Songs was written to seduce her. Queen, Matron, Israel, Rose, and Mirror. Like Isis, she is the Throne. Shekhina is the Garden and the Tree of Gnosis which grows within. She is the Apple. She is the Snake. Sabbath. Justice. Eagle. Sophia. Shakti. She is what has fallen. She comes back to raise things up. Malkhut. Shekhina is the Mirror of Israel and Israel is the Mirror of the World and the World is the Mirror of Man. She lies in Triple-Spirals. She is the deep and the dweller in the deep. Keneset Yisrael. When we raise her we raise her from the dust. The Rabbis use her name in place of God when humanized words and images can't go any further. She is the Face of God - the ones that don't burn us. She is the protection in the Night Prayer: "On my 4 sides 4 angels, and above my head the Shekhina of God." You can find her "at the head of the sick and at the right hand of man." Pharaoh's daughter saw the Shekhina at the side of Moses. It spoke with Jonah, Adam and the Serpent. Wherever 10 or more are gathered in god's name she is among them. When she moves she makes the sounds of Bells, Bells, Bells. Ssssshh... she shuts us up at Mass during the Consecration when she is called down into the Host. She is the Dove. She is all white birds. She often has Wings. Sometimes she has been shown as a Phallus with Wings. But most of all . . . the Shekhina is Light.