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So god gets his rant and Job knows when it's useless to continue so he puts on his best Mel Gibson and waxes poetic about how fucking sorrrrry he is. And Yahweh is in that mindset of the bully after the fight and the little nerd is cowering and bleeding and now the bully kind of feels all scrunchy inside but he's still too dumb to know that's just guilt. So he forgives the victim of his Abu Ghraib and then overcompensates by showering Job with thrice, thrice, thrice in cattle & sheep & drovers & goods. Job becomes the richest man around. And god either gives him a new young Trophy Wife or punishes the first by forcing her to bear Job 10 more chillin' as recompense for the first 10 which he crushed. 7 boys and 3 girls and the 3 girls are rare beauties with all the connections that female beauty can occasion. Their names are: Turtle Dove, Cassia, and Mascara. Job hereafter lives a long, rich life and dies at 140. Like Science Officer Spock, Yahweh also has a verbal tic: whenever he begins a new round of argument with Job - "Have you been shown the gates of Death or met the Janitors of Shadowland?" - whenever he's about to pounce, he prefaces his rant with this rhetorical cue: "Brace yourself like a fighter." God needed a punching bag because he did not yet possess a Mirror. His dialect with Job would produce that Mirror in each other.