The fascinus pictured was found at a Roman battlefield site near Kalkriese in the Teutoburg Forest in the highlands of northern Germany. The left hand makes the sign of the Fig or the Mano Fico. The Romans used the sign for Fertility, good luck, and to ward off evil. Fica in Italian is slang for Cunt. In American Sign Language [ASL] the gesture means "T". International Sign modified the gesture because it is still obscene in parts of Europa. | |||||||||
This is a Gold Roman Amulet from 3AD. VicMart is selling it for about $3,000. It's double dicked and we'll get to that in a moment. There is speculation that it may have been "used" in a Vespa goddess temple by high ranking priests or priestesses. They are scarce. You can buy pieces like the bronze one above for about $500 - they are not so scarce and are found wherever there are substantial Roman ruins and especially at Military sites. The SS wore a Totenkoph - a Death's Head. Roman soldiers wore the Fascinus. It is often difficult to judge the efficacy of symbolic objects.
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