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According to the Etics this amulet was worn by Catholic Monks or Priests as they took part in the bawdy holidays of the past which have been sanitized and scrubbed for modern sensibilities. It's Cruciform and it's cardinals are made up of 4 Ithyphallic Members complete with Testiculos - though there is a sharing by each of the members of 1 nut each. | ![]() |
The 8 Ovals surmounting the Testicles are pussys - Sheila-na-gigs. Cramming all of these male/female genitalia into the same amulet would Jack the Power considerably. An amulet like this would be worn on Feast Days like May Day and All Souls Day and the Solstices - and at Harvest Festivals and Spring Plantings. No one, then, would think them obscene.
Beltane was a Fertility Festival. In both the Classical and the Celtic Pagan Calendars there would be 4 of these a year. Skippy was born on March 17th - St. Patrick's Day which is the Roman Phallic Festival called the Liberalia. It's a celebration of the Male Potency in nature and the central figure of such fêtes was The Green Man. The Bacchanalia was the Roman Harvest Festival celebrated at the end of October. On the 1st of April - April Fool's Day - the Romans got drunk and orgied over the Festival of Venus. At the end of April was the Floralia the last Phallic Festival of the Romans. All of these Holy Days were celebrated with "licence" and lust and rampant intoxication. On the Green Man Day, March 17th, the Romans would parade giant floats of huge stiff dicks thru the streets and wherever they halted a woman in the crowd must "crown" the head of the dick with a garland of flowers. Skippy remembers little Catholic girls doing this to statues of the Virgin on May Day in Detroit but he does not remember any Parade of Dicks on his Birthday. St. Patrick is still the Green Man & still equated with Snakes but the myth has gone pseudomorphic as the Christians have abstracted it towards the Sacred and made the Profane go Steganographic. The Celtic Beltane was celebrated with day long drinking, huge night fires on the Tops - there were once 900 Stone Circles in Ireland - and then either a specially selected couple, a "Little John" or Jack-in-the Green, along with a Maid Mary, or the entire village would spend the rest of the night puddled around the shadows near the fire and the circle wildly humping & fucking and spreading their seed everywhere in a rush. Easter, May Day, and the Summer Solstice where all originally Phallic Festivals. There's 10,000 books on Fertility Festivals but the plots are all similar: the earthly "nuptials" below are meant to mirror the divine "nuptials" above. Earth man fructifies Earth woman so that their "potency" can coax the Sky Father to fructify the Earth Mother. "What is Above is What is Below," Hermes said. "So that the Miracle of Unity might happen." And this principle of Correspondences is behind nearly all myth and ritual. This too is a Social situation which depends on our abilities to transform our Consciousnesses between each other. Mirror Neurons have created the "Rites of Spring," so that High and Low might Intercourse and share the Power.
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