Hey, by god, that's Skippy playing mirror games at Kenny's atelier. He's taking a picture of himself taking a picture of Gustave Courbet's 1867 painting called: L'Origin du Monde. It hangs in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. There's hardly ever anybody stopping in front of the Oil and giving it the Art gaze. Skippy sat in a corner of the room where it hangs and watched the crowd behavior for a morning. Fudgies come into the gallery and immediately spot the image - it is impossible not to be drawn to it - and then they do a "quick away," averting their eyes as they stumble out of the absidal gallery and back out into safer art. The picture has great Power. It's got Mana & Chi. The images and statues of Ithyphallic entities - things bearing Big Stiff Dicks - usually draw out twitters and giggles. Teen girls love the damn things and if we let them they would still be wearing Fascina and other Winged Dick implements around their pearly necks. But the Pussy stops people cold. Hardly anyone stares at the Big Secret and giggles. It scares the shit out of grown men who only want to see it when they're Randy & Ready. Women tend to look at them clinically as if they're checking out anatomical distinctions which simply baffle men. Marija Gimbutas, in her book The Language of the Goddess shows how the image of the female Vulva - the Veeaye - has evolved from the Upper Paleolithic and thru the Neolithic to the threshold of the Judeo-Christian. Guys like André Leroi-Gourhan of the Musée d'Homme in Paris and Alexander Marshack of the Peabody at Harvard, have convincingly demonstrated that the Sign of the Female is as old as Man and was the earliest Symbol Complex which we created. The Veeaye is most likely the root image which has given us the letter "D" in the Western Alphabet. I know, the Etics will tell you that it's some kinda Daleth thingy and that it means Door. And they're right. As far as they go. But they don't want to go back any further. Delta in Greek means mouth, womb, female-thingy, and only much later Door. There are two Sign/Symbols which first appear in the Paleolithic caves of Eurasia and are repeated over and over again on the walls, both engraved and painted: one is a crude rendition of the Mammalian Mating posture called Presentation or Rump-Proferal. It depicts females bending over and presenting to the viewer their Door. The other sign is often incorrectly interpreted as a "chevron," and then dismissed as probably a meaningless "decoration." These are "V"s which will often cover the surface of a wall. Remember how the letter "A" changed its orientation from a pictograph of a bull's head to the abstracted symbol "A" - the horns are still there but they're upside down. The same process has happened to all those happy little "V"s in the Paleo-caves - by the time the pictograph got abstracted and written down, thousands of years later, it too had changed its orientation and closed itself, becoming our letter "D". By the way, the Collegial emblem of the Stiff Dick is most likely still surviving in our letter "P." Our "T" is the remnants of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic character the Ankh. See the "T"? The "oval" above is the female sex organ and when you blend that with the "T" you get the idea of Intercourse between male and female. The Ankh is the symbol in Egypt for Life and the power and potency of the Lifeforce. They will not tell you these things in Catholic School - like us, most of them have forgotten all of this as the Neolithic Process turned women into property, sex into marriage, and anything to do with the naughty parts the reason you could go to hell. All naturally occuring alphabets evolve from pictographic systems. All pictographic systems encode the parts of the human body as primary symbols. Take apart the Hebrew Alphabet and see where the signs come from. Or the Sumerian Cuneiform Script in its earliest rendition - those are body part signs, fingers, hands, eyes, mouths, feet, and yes, those are dicks and pussys. Cuneiform means "wedge shaped" because the signs were impressed with stylos which made wedges - the "Cune" in the term is a kissing cousin to the word Cunt.
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