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The purpose of the community Pillar-Pull leaned well to the left of filial piety and patriotism and close to the thousand year tradition of the Feast of Fools. Kenny saw the event the way that Victor Hugo saw the collection of images which graced Gothic cathedrals in Euroland. To the author of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame those carvings and etchings, murals and vitraux, statues & reliquaries which flowed over the surfaces of the cathedrals which he called "Stone Books," were the first examples of the budding modern freedoms of Speech and the Press. Artists, Hugo claimed, were free to mingle the Sacred with the Profane in a syntax as old as man himself - the idea that all of Man and his world were a microcosm of God and his world. That "What is Above is What is Below." So the Devil himself and all his subdeacons were free to cavort over the stones. Virtues comingled with their wanton Vices. The Beast in Man embraced the Divine in the Speculum Majorum. The purified breath of the Holy Spirit diffused in the gasses of the gut. The Creator's animating breath shared a space with statues of the Bishops lewdly farting into each others faces. Soufflacul & Pétenguele. L'ame en pet. The scent of rot and the soul itself where recognized as one. To modern sensibilities these polarities have assumed separate identities - not so to Middle Man. To the medieval mind such contradictions were the inevitable result of measuring the world thru Allegory & Mimesis. Modern Man thinks in numbers and logarithms, his science has separated him from the Homeopathic where likenesses contain the causal. To see the breath of life in a stag's fart is now outside of our poetics. More's the pity since there is such rich fodder in the filth and ordure of the material. And such desiccated air in the rarefied purity of what we today see as Holy.
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The "Come one, come all!" song above is from Walt Disney's recent animation of Hugo's novel. The Feast of Fools lasted for over a thousand years in the Christian west. The blowback from the Protestant Reformation ended the festival and other things like it in the 1600's. You can smell Bruno burning in the Campo de' Fiori in Rome and you can almost hear the bells . . . Pocket Groove plays a fusion of Jazz & New Age with a drop of the Blues. IwoJima is a standout on Keyboards, his Celtic daughters sang and gave the night a backbeat. We danced. We sang. IwoJima went to get his pistol so he could shoot out a couple of stars. Skippy talked him back from the edge. Local color came to pose wildly. After dark we sparked the wood pile & with the flames the rest of the vampires & assorted Passers-by fell out of the darkness like humidity.
"L'architectire a été la grande écriture du genre humain. Et cela est tellement vrai que non seulement tout symbole religieux, mais encore toute pensée a sa page dans ce livre immense et son monument . . . Il existe á cette époque, pour la pensée écrite en pierre, un privilège tout à fait comparable à notre liberté actuelle de la presse: la liberté de l'architecture. Cette liberté va très loin. Quelquefois un portail, une façade, une église tout entière présente un sens symbolique absolument étranger au culte ou même hostile à l'Eglise."
- Victor Hugo - |
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"In our day, cant is spoken by the humble people, the poor, the despised, the rebels, calling for liberty and independence, the outlaws, the tramps and the wanderers. Cant is the cursed dialect, banned by high society, by the nobility, the well-fed and self-satisfied middle class, luxuriating in the ermine of their ignorance and fatuity. It remains the language of a minority of individuals living outside accepted laws, conventions, customs and etiquette." All of Art speaks this "argotique,' this Hermetic cant.
- Fulcanelli - |
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This is our victory shot of the Pillar Pull. There's something ominous about the young toe-headed innocent in the lower left corner who seems to be moving towards Slag and the rest of Northport, America. You want to just stop the child and say "wait" - which is why I called this poster: oh oh.