The Spike called "Fallen Warriors" is composed of a 33 Foot Cedar Pole with 19 rocks wrapped in steel ascending this pole in a spiral path which winds from the bottom to the top, from out of the warm, moist earth to the cool, dry heavens above. The Pillar is crowned with a hand wrought copper sheaf whose top has been hammered into the shape of a perfect triangle. Stuck into that cap, like feathers, are 6 "stingers" each topped with a small wrapped stone. Three quarters of the way up the Pillar, Kenny La Roche has lovingly placed a set of iron wings and skewed them to a properly rakish angle. Six feet up from the ground - at the eye level of a human - we have "let in" a wooden plaque which depicts our logo of a winged ouroborus and the latin phrase: "ab ovo usque ad mala" - "from eggs to the apples" - a Roman idiom which indicates the proper course of events, the proper sequence in the unfolding of events - literally, it describes the order of a Roman Feast: from the delicacy of finely spiced eggs to the tart, cool, palette cleanser of fruit. The Pole is composed of wood, stone, copper and steel. Its geometries are accomplished in the forms of an ascending line, a spiral, a circle, a triangle, a square, and the single point where the pole meets the earth. The sculpture is a gift to the village of Northport from the artist Kenny La Roche and sits in Tex's front yard - the Village Green.
We were finished with installation around daybreak and by 9am we had repaired to Slag's house - Click "0" for the Cathedral Our Lady of the Ligne - where we breakfasted on charred potatoes and beer. Within an hour the guns came out and the posturing turned to muzzle flashes.
"To think is to speculate with images." Shortly after Bruno said that he was burned as a heretic. After the fire Bruno's bones were "Smashed to power with hammers and the ashes cast to the wind so that no one could save anything of the heretic as a relic." Nice try. Pooler was there and managed to save a vial for our later use.