The more I looked at Cathedral Iconography thru the eyes of guys like Emile Mâle and Pooler Jones the more I could understand why their age was also called the Age of Encyclopedias. The most popular titles for tracts and books of the era bore words like Summa, Speculum, Imago Mundi. During this time Thomas Aquinas coordinated the editing of the whole body of Christian doctrine. Jacobus de Voragine collected the lives/legends of the Saints. Durandus recomposed and codified the Liturgy, especially the Mass. Vincent of Beauvais - upon whom Honorius based his work - wrote the 4 great books of the Medieval world - some believe they are the only 4 books a student of those times needs to read to understand the mindset of the age. Collectively they were called the Speculum Majus [the Great Mirror] and were thought to embody the supreme effort of learning, the grand fusion, a “conception of the Universe achieved,” a complete expression of everything which could be known. The 4 parts or books to the Speculum Majus were called: |
So you see? Pooler asked me. It worked like this: When the Catholic Church came for the Hermeticists and Alchemists the way they came for the Cathars, the way they came for Bruno, it was necessary to have secret places to meet and exchange information which could keep the furor and the movements going. French Alchemists, gone deeply underground so as to avoid the Inquisition, set up a kind of Underground Railroad thru which they could smuggle each other, and books, manuscripts, and valuables, to places like Holland or England which were more tolerant. Kenny La Roche had been a link in that chain. The meeting place in Paris was the Vitrail of the Mystic Wine Press in St. Étienne-du-Mont, deep in the heart of the Left-Bank in Paris, a place because of its Universities which had always been tolerant to those fleeing the murderous doctrines of the Church. The shibboleth or password which was used to identify the hidden to the hidden was this: “Shall we gather at the river?” Whoa! I said, hold it. “Isn’t that an English or American Protestant Hymn?” It is now, said Pooler. On the way out, in the gloom, as they were closing the church for the night, we walked by the soft gleaming white tones of the Rood Screen which was now hovering in the dark like a stone raptor. “John the Baptist,” Pooler said. Huh? I answered. The Gospel of the Mass is read from the High Altar - it is the direct word of God as given by his 4 evangelists. The Epistle, which is read not from the Altar but from the Rood Screen, comes before the Gospel in the liturgy of the Mass. It is known as the “Precursor to the Word” - Jesus is the Word. John the Baptist is his Precursor. He spoke before Christ but for him. Like the Epistle, he is a Chosen Arrow, selected to Make Straight the Way of the Lord, soon to come. Therefore the Rood Screen is a Type of John the Baptist. “You give me a fucking headache, Pooler.” I said. “Then we’ll go get some more big Lucifers,” he said. And so we did. It was Solstice in the City of Light and for a moment, as the Sun stood still, everything was Perfect and in its place. But only for a Moment. Barber Perfect was coming and he wanted the Skull and the Long Bones of Baruch Spinoza and he had warned us that he had come to trade. |