Terry Pettijohn & his Bong-Buddy Brian Jungeberg must have been slack-jawed at the Dew Drop Inn Bar & Strip Club off the campus at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pennsylvania. The Tequila was flowin' & the lads was lickin' salt & throwin' back. The girls on the Pole were naughty & one of them was especially provoking. She was billed as Lilly Lift and the boys had taken to arguing over her. Terry said she was perfect & yanked his chain. But Brian was contrary. Lilly, to Brian was freakish and nearly frightening. "Eerie in Erie," he called her. |
Lilly was tall, willowy, and had legs which went on and on. She had no fat, ample tits, and a Body-Mass-Index somewhere around a Barbie Doll. She was Uncanny and that explained the differences in the responses of the 2 Social Psychologists. Lilly Lift was a Perfect Specimen of a young female Monkey and maybe that was the problem. Women weren't Perfect. Lilly seemed a Fantasy. Naked, as she was on the Pole, she opened up the Uncanny Valley. But what else did her body signal about our Tastes and their relations with our Times?
So the Lads put their heads together and wrote an Article for the Journal: Personality and Social Psychology. They titled it: Playboy Playmate Curves: Changes in Facial and Body Feature Preferences Across Social and Economic Conditions. Here is the Article's Abstract: "Past research has investigated ideals of beauty and how these ideals have changed across time. In the current study, facial and body characteristics of Playboy Playmates of the Year from 1960-2000 were identified and investigated to explore their relationships with U.S. social and economic factors. Playmate of the Year age, body feature measures, and facial feature measurements were correlated with a general measure of social and economic hard times. Consistent with Environmental Security Hypothesis predictions, when social and economic conditions were difficult, older, heavier, taller Playboy Playmates of the Year with larger waists, smaller eyes, larger waist-to-hip ratios, smaller bust-to-waist ratios, and smaller body mass index values were selected. These results suggest that environmental security may influence perceptions and preferences for women with certain body and facial features. The Environmental Security Hypothesis says that in tough times men will prefer women who are good at production, generally older, taller, heavier, less curvaceous women with less body fat. In good times, they will prefer women who are good at reproduction, generally younger, shorter, lighter, more curvaceous women." In other words the kind of world we live in molds our Tastes & Preferences. Fearful times need Stocky Women who can pull a plow. Good times have us casting our eyes after breeders with good tits. And more recently Wired Magazine ran a graph which plotted out the changes in Body-Mass-Index (BMI) in Playboy Playmates over the mag's lifespan from 1953 to 2009. "A clear trend emerged: while real American women have steadily eaten their way up the BMI slope - just like American Men - Playmates have gone from a sylphlike 19.4 to an Anime-Ideal 17.6." Male birds in the Species Birds of Paradise have long gaudy tail feathers - that feature above all else makes the Females hot & wet & horny. The problem is that when this "Super-Sign Stimuli" is let loose it can run away. Evolution favors Males with large/colorful tales = a dead certainty that Male tales will get larger and more colorful. It's a simple matter of Selection. The end product, however, is likely to be a bird with tail feathers so large that it can no longer fly. Nature has revealed this cul-de-sac over & over in Flightless Birds, in deers with Antler's too large to lift, and indeed, in human female breasts the size of luggage. Animé women can be eerie - Uncanny. If you strip your Barbie Doll nekid you just might freak out. Look at it this way: "A robot stuck inside the Uncanny Valley is no longer being judged by the standards of a robot doing a good job at pretending to be human, but is instead being judged by the standards of a human doing a terrible job at acting like a normal person." Lilly Lift was working that voodoo on Brian - half real, the parts were all there & well placed - but also half Fantasy, the proportions had been stretched to the UV. The only way out of a Biological UV Cul-de Sac would be Speciation. Maybe Playboy Playmates are becoming a New Sippe. They could be Caste-ing, like Social Insects have had to do. Pussy which is toying with the Uncanny Valley could be our Species' death knell. If Media is successful at remolding our Tastes and our Selection Criteria what will we do when we wake from that fantasy and see that there is nothing like that to fuck in the world at all? I mean, how many women do you know who look like Miss November? |
And how many Chinks have this body type as pictured to the left? The Etics get a little huffy and argue that the Uncanny Valley is less a Scientific Theory than it is a Social Construct. Sociologists pout & say what the fuck's the difference? We got Graphs, Muthafuka! Skippy doesn't give a damn about their nit-picking. He wanted to lay this concept out and illustrate it because of where all of this is going in the Kenny La Roche world of the Chosen Arrow Spike. When you want to Unpack the Icon of the Pressoir-Mystique as it is illustrated in the Stained Glass of St-Ètienne-du-Mont then you must prepare the observer for a Christian Oddity which by itself - before an explication - seems a bit more than Bizarre, almost Surreal with an edge of Sadomasochistic Joy/Pain so close to the sublime that its like scratching Poison Ivy or Digging at your Hemorrhoids - oh oh oh - the Joy/Pain is close to Sexual. Playboy et al have made the Body a magic canvas which transforms its image as the times change and with them the Proportions of our Desires. The Catholic Church did something quite similar with the Body of Christ in all its Semiotics as the Times changed and men struggled to create exterior representations of the shifting sands of reality. Now and again, they came to the Uncanny Valley. |
The ESH [Environmental Security Hypothesis] has supporters and detractors. Greg Webster, from the University of Illinois, airs out his experiences with the hypothesis in his article: "Playboy Playmates, The Dow Jones, Consumer Sentiment, 9/11, and the Doomsday Clock: A Critical Examination of the Environmental Security Hypothesis," which appeared in the Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology in 2008. His take on the ESH: "...during times of socioeconomic hardship, energy directed at acquiring the resources necessary for survival may be more adaptive than energy spend on reproduction. Men may prefer taller, more mature women to help them collect and protect resources during hard times. In contrast, during times of socioeconomic prosperity, energy can be redirected toward reproduction because day-to-day sustenance is less of a concern. Men may prefer younger, more curvaceous women because of their increased reproductive value during times of plenty." He cites a study by Pettijohn & Tesser (2003) which found that during hard times Popular Female Movie Stars had "more mature features" like small eyes, big chins, and thin cheeks. But during the good times the "female actresses had more neotenous or baby-faced features" like big eyes, little chins, and thick cheeks. Also: "When threat was manipulated in 2 lab experiments by making participants believe they were to received either benign or harmful shocks, male and female participants under threat preferred photos of women with decreased eye size, whereas when threat was absent they preferred women with increased eye size." Pushing the envelope further Webster mentions a series of 4 studies [Nelson & Morrison, 2005] indicating that "men's preference for women's weight was contingent on whether they felt poor (vs. wealthy) or hungry (vs. full)." It appears that men who commanded fewer resources - those that had diminished access to money or food - shifted their preference to "heavier women." POOR MEN LIKE FAT GIRLS - there's a culture shock. That's Baby Spice to the right. She's the Poster Girl for good times & chubby cheeked, baby-faced, women. Roll over her idiotic grimace to see a Hard Time Girl. |
Oh oh - there's a problem with the protocol. The terms "Threat" & "Hard Times" are too nebulous. If Monkeys really are molded by their times in their "Selections" then we need to further detail those "Times." Are the threats Social? Economic? Or worse - "Existential." Could you lose a friend, your job, or your life? Pettijohn & Jungeberg - after they sobered up from their "research" at the Dew Drop Inn & Strip Club - pegged their study & use of the ESH to the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Consumer Sentiment Index. They found Positive Correlation between those 2 Economic Indicators and "hip circumference, Bust-to-Weight Ratio (BWR), and Body-Mass-Index (BMI)." They found Negative Correlation between these Economic Indicators and Age, Height, Weight, Waist Circumference and the WHR or Waist-to-Hip Ratio in Playmate of the Years (PMOY) over a 48 year span from 1960 to 2007. So Economic Threat seemed to follow the Environmental Security Hypothesis. To measure "Existential Threat" they turned to 2 exterior factors which did, in fact, appear to threaten the very life of the Selectors: Minutes until Midnight on the Doomsday Clock and the Terrorist Attack on 9/11. Both of these "Existential" threat factors were positively correlated with the ESH Hypotheses so that men's preferences in females after 9/11 tended towards smaller-titty women and those with smaller hips. Likewise with the Doomsday Clock - as the "Minutes before Midnight" were truncated men's taste moved from "breeders" to "producers" - women who might aid in the production and protection of resources. Interestingly - The Existential threats proved more salient to the ESH than Economic threats. Non surprisingly it turns out that Doom is more "anxious" than "tightening your belt" during scarce resources. Webster then adds this: "In addition to being consistent with evolutionary theory, the present findings also dovetail with social psychological perspectives on Mortality Salience. Specifically, some of the existential threat results are consistent with Terror Management Theory (TMT)" wherein the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions of people are measured when they are reminded of their mortality. Memento Mori, Mutha! Memento Mori. |
There is a Female side to ESH Theory too. Studies have shown that during their monthly Menstrual Cycle, during Ovulation women tend to prefer the rugged He-Man type. Machoism being positively correlated with Survival. Statistics show that during their Ovulation women are much more likely to commit adultery and much more likely to fornicate with Macho-Men. But when they are not ovulating women are less likely to fuck outside their Sippe and are more attracted to "sensitive" types with other skills besides bashing heads. All of which makes perfect Evolutionary Sense. Skippy loves the term: Mortality Salience & he knows that Slag will become "bande comme un cerf " over it also. There are no real surprises in all of these studies & theories if you have already bought into the Evolutionary Psychology or Sociobiology Weltanschauung. But if you have not and you still retain even a vestige of the old Religious and/or Christian worldview that all of this looks like Sin and Weakness and the Presence of Satan then you probably have a lot of questions. Sister Samuel used to tell us boys that a Cold Shower would get our Mind's Right so that we made the right choices vis-a-vis Sex & Mate Selection. I can almost hear Richard Dawkins & E.O. Wilson & Nietzsche laughing at the rubes who cling to Sin & Salvation as Causality & Cosmos when everything else points to the Ethological concept of Optimal Foraging Strategy as the "logic" of our behavior. Monkeys are blissfully unconscious of the "Why" of their Selections. They have no true idea of why they are so attracted to each other, or not. They have no true idea of why All their tastes and preferences are so stubborn and yet - from time to time - so labile. It's a good thing we're unconscious, Pooler told Skippy, at the Icon of the Pressoir-Mystique. Otherwise most Christian imagery would leave us nauseated instead of inspired. I mean, what the hell is the Moral Sense of an image of Christ being crushed in a Wine Press so that all his blood runs out of his 5 Mystic Wounds and is being captured and barrelled by his Apostles and then hidden in the cellars of the Church? Typology has to stretch to 'splain that up. But Skippy bets that Sociobiology could lay it out Just So.
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