Spics took the term 'muharram' from the Islamoids where it meant: "ritually forbidden," and referred to the Jewish/Muslim prohibition from eating Pigs. So Marranos - in both Spanish and Portuguese means: 'Pigs,' and also 'filthy,' and 'swine.' The term grew to refer to any Iberian Jew (Sephardic Jews) who had been forced to convert to Christianity by the Spanish/Portuguese Inquisition. Many Marranos lived as 'Crypto-Jews' - living as Catholics outwardly while secretly worshipping as Jews. |
Marranos were also called 'Conversos' and numbered over 100,000 on the Iberian Peninsula. These 'Christianos Nuevos' called themselves 'Anusim' which means 'constrained' and refers to the facts of their forced conversions. 'Judíos Escondidos' - or 'hidden jews' - were the Cryptos - living in plain site as good 'New Christians' while continuing to preserve their Judaism at home. They secretly attended synagogue and raised their kinder as Jews. These temporary Conversos lived on the edge constantly dodging the Inquisition. |
Bento de Espinosa, in Hebrew - Baruch de Spinoza, and later to be known as Benedictus de Spinoza - was born in Amsterdam on 24 November 1632. His father, Miguel, had been born in Portugal but his father, Isaac, fled Iberia after the Jews were expelled from Spain and then later from Portugal. Isaac took his young son Miguel and the rest of the family and beat it to Nantes, France. In 1615 the Jews were thrown out of Nantes and Isaac took the brood to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. After Isaac died in 1627, Miguel - with his uncle Manuel - took the de Spinosas to Amsterdam where they sloughed off their Christian-Converso skins and resumed the open practice of Judaism. At these times and in these places a Jew might have 3 or 4 working names. Jewish, Spanish-Portuguese, Dutchified, and Latinized - if, like Baruch, they were going to be writers or public men. So Baruch is sometimes Bento, sometimes Benito, and sometimes Benedictus. All of them mean 'Blessed.' Names get away from us, Blessed or not, especially when they note too much. Skippy's got a Catholic name with 3 saints. He's got a Euro-name with 8 parts: 2 male, 2 female, 2 describing his 'minor nobility,' and 2 families. Which may be why Kenny just calls him Skippy while Barber Perfect nails his attributes with one term: Lucky. But names will peg you into someone's elses reality - if you let them. After the ADAM Jews - both Sephardi and Ashkenazi - threw Baruch out of official Jewdom, slapping him with Cherem when he was just 24 years old and before he had published a word - the young Jew Baruch became the non - denominational Benedictus. A handle which could get him published in the Latinized West.
Here's an apocryphal tale which illustrates the insanity of Forced Conversions: A good priest is instructing a Jew in Catholic ways and aiding him with his conversion process. So the priest grabs the Jew and repeats over and over: "Yesterday you were a Jew, but today you are a Christian. Yesterday you were a Jew, but today you are a Christian." Some weeks later the Priest is checking up on his new Converso but to his horror he spies the Jew eating a chicken on Friday and not a fish. Whassup? He asks the Marrano. No problema, says the Jew, I just grabbed the chicken and said: "Yesterday you were a chicken, today you're a fish. Yesterday you were a chicken, today you're a fish." Recalcitrant Conversos could be be very clever in walking two paths at once. They would hang a small statue of the Virgin Mary on their doorpost and put the Shema prayer within the statue's hollow foot. Thus she became the Mezuzah to be kissed upon entering and leaving the house. To the left is the fons et origo of the Jewish Problem: Blood Libel. I bet Mel Gibson has 5 of these Bloody Azuleos hanging in his Porsche garage - one for each of the Mystic Wounds. Mel believes the Jews killed Jesus for his Blood. Literally - he says they needed it for "abominations." |
There were 2 strains of Jews living in ADAM in the 17th Century and they were very different. The Sephardic Jews came north from warm Iberia: Spain, North Africa, Portugal. Their Jewishness had been molded by their experiences during the 'Convivencia' - the mythical golden age of Muslim rule in Andalucia - when the 3 great faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam had been nourished by enlightened Caliphates and Islamic cities like Toledo, and Cordoba, Sevilla, and Granada were world centers of art and philosophy, mathematics and astronomy, and Alchemy - the queen of the sciences - at a time when the cities of northern europa were filthy and artless, ruled by Christian idiots who killed everything which did not, somehow, give of Christ. Iberian Jews had become cultured and educated in the larger worlds outside their own faith and were finding a place within them. The Ashkenazi - 'German' Jews were from Northern Europa where the weather and the history were colder to them. In the 11th and 12th Centuries the Sephardi owned more than a third of the estates in the country of Barcelona. Jayne Hill still lives on an ancient Sephardic estate on the foot of Monjuic - the 'Jew's Mountain.' Up north, the Ashkenazi were terrorized, marginalized, pogromed. Up north, the Jews were accused of spreading plague. During the dark days of Crusade, Northern Christian Armies would routinely practice their combat skills by killing Jews - 'On the Road' - as they moved south towards the Holy Land. To grok the effects on population from a Jew's sitz em leben consider this: At the end of the 11th Century, 97% of world Jewry was Sephardic and only 3% Ashkenazi. By the middle of the 17th Century - the time of Spinoza and the Golden Age of Holland - "Sephardim still outnumbered Ashkenazim 3 to 2." But then by the end of the 18th Century Askenazim outnumbered Sephardim 3 to 2. Why? The two homefronts for the Jews had turned inside out. Ottoman Muslim rule made life for Sephardim miserable and their numbers plummeted. While, conversely, the living conditions for Euro-Ashkenazim inproved greatly in Christian Europa. By the time Hitler got his hands on the Jews of Europe the Askenazi were a full 92% of the world's Jews.
To the left is a picture of a Mezuzah which hangs on the doorpost of the Dung Gate - closest to the West Wall in Jerusalem. Remember Yahweh - when he was all wind - and commanding that the Jews love him Deeply and Daily and he told them to "write this in your heart" and drill your chillin' in Yahweh Love and to wear god's words "as a sign" on their arm and on their forehead in a circlet which squared itself over time into a Phylactery which Dylan could be proud of, and to write the same words on the doorposts of their houses and on their Gates. The Mezuzah is the answer to that commandment. Cryptokikes put christian gris-gris all over their posts and gates. They Jesus-upped in public. Their grandchillin' became priests, and bishops, nuns, and mystic saints with their virgin, Sephardic wombs, hanging empty for Jesus over a Kabbalistic Well. "Moses had a sister, but his sister had a Well." |