I don't know who did this Annunciation scene but I have often preferred these Northern renditions of Mary. The Italians always seem to capture the idea of Mary as the willing and inevitable Vas Honoris. Up North, in the cold rooms, Mary comes across as startled, even dismayed, at her role in such a weird scenario. In warm Italy Mary is saying: Yes, it's my destiny. But around the 45th Parallel Mary seems to say: What the Fuck? Whose idea is this? It's a question of how much you're in your own skin.
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This is called: Still Life with Gilt Goblet, by Willem Claesz Heda and is from 1635 - Spinoza would have been 3 years old. It was in Holland that the "Still Life" came into its own as a Form in art. You can see that texture was conscious and that objects have become aware of their surfaces. But more, you can see that the mundane, the profane world of the ordinary and the daily and the accoutréments of the quotidian have begun their displacement of the Sacrédotal objéts d'art. Flesh is powerful - here things love their matter.
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The Grandiflora Mission was the first Major Spike of Kenny La Roche in his construction of the Cathedral Our Lady of the Ligne. It has not yet been described on this website. It was completed in 1996. The Mission called Chosen Arrow - to hang the head of the Precursor - was completed in 2000.
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Each year since 1996 Kenny would start the new season and mission by replacing the Nipple Rock on the Grandiflora Spike. Skippy was buff and taut for his turn in '98. Slag had mastered the Prussic Knot tech and had purchased Ascender rigging so now we were scampering in the canopies of our creations like squirrels - or maybe even monkeys. Fuckin' Monkeys. | ![]() |
John Dee snapped the picture - above left - just as I had loosed the old dried-up Nipple from the year before and then dropped it on my knee. It was a glancing blow and we laughed it off. HAH!! But then Skippy takes everything with a grain of Augury & sometimes I think his entire universe is read by him as omens and premonitions, or as Types along their Attractors. It's a world where a bruise is an Harmonic. Or an Old Testament warning. Like some trippy memo written on the wall in something's blood.
There was a lot of organizational energy in the air around us. But then I guess that just means that we are more and more sensing our Attractor. Besides, mythopoeic times are by nature magnetic when it comes to things like structure and form. Ideas come together of their own volition. Though Richard Dawkins would argue that Ideas are Memes - the cultural equivalent of Genes - and that they form Wells of Conceptual Gravity [WeCoGraves] and therefore attract all those other Memes which share a Specific Conceptual Density [SpeConDen]. Ideas, Dawkins claims, are Planets and they fit inside Conceptual Systems where their "weights" try to balance everything else in the system so that the whole can be harmonic with its parts. When balance happens - the Idea fits its Form and truths are formed with little "t"s. Self-Organization along with Emergent Phenomena are the twin keystones of Complexity Theory. We live in a time when the labors of the Hierarchies of Angels are handled by Chaos Theory and Topological Mathematics. Gabriel turns out to be an expression of the fecundity of Lognormal Distributions. As such he seems perfectly placed on the opposite porch of Notre-Dame de la Ligne across from Grandiflora - his Doppelgänger - an expression of the destiny of the Randomly Selected. It is not ironic that we should build the last Great Cathedral from the perspective of the New Faith - a faith which has been called Adeism by the clever Brights, and the Pantheistic Mu by the more clever still. Kenny La Roche calls it: The Alchemical Reich - but we've shortened it to Alkreichism. So we remember that the Iconography of the Great Cathedrals of Europa was always a stab at Natural History as well as Cosmology. They were Temene - empty spaces given sacred forms by stitching math, topos, and meaning into a formed certainty - a structure. A Container. Something to squat in the dark and wonder if there's something in the other room. So all Art is a statement about a perceived certainty - some idea sucked into the Wecograve and accreted with form - even the Nihilistic shit which clogs our galleries today is dead certain of our Kenosis. Every Faith is formed from the Bricolage of ruptured systems. So it's good to start a new season by changing Nipples on the Grandiflora - a structure which illustrates the Bell Shaped Curve and its Gaussian Distribution of Genes, Memes, and everything after. The ritual of Nipple Replacement evidenced a balance - and balance is a check to hubris, as well as certainty.
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"De ventre matris meae vocavit me Dominus nomine meo, & po fuit os meum, ut gladium acutum; sub tegumento manus fuae protexit me, & po fuit me quasi sagittá electá."
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"The Lord has called me by my name from the womb of my mother, and He has made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He has protected me; and has made me as a Chosen Arrow."
That's the Antiphon above which I bought in Amsterdam. An Antiphon in a Catholic Mass or at Vespers is a Response to a Psalm or some other part of the ceremony. Usually an Antiphon is chanted in the Gregorian mode. Antiphony, as a style of singing, is based around Call and Response. When a shitkicker like George Jones writes a song which is a response to another song - like his ex-wife Tammy Wynette's megahit: D-I-V-O-R-C-E - he is practicing Antiphony. A big Cathedral will often have 2 separate choirs singing Antiphony to each other. Like the Mbuti Pygmies in Zaire who sing to the forest and then sing a response to their own voices echoing back. In this case the Antiphon is well named - and well aimed - as it quotes Isaiah in his brand-new Christian mask as John the Baptist. It was first of all the Jewish Prophet Isaiah who presented his bonafides to the "remotest peoples" when he claimed that Yahweh had called him from his mother's womb before he was born. When the Jesus Freaks Retrofit the Old Testament so as to Typologically Prefigure the New Testament then it is John the Baptist - the New Prophet - who claims to be picked by god, before he was even born, and forged into a "Chosen Arrow" to Point and Pierce the Way of the Lord. So you got the OT talking to the NT, and 2 Choirs chanting the changes back and forth, and George Jones talking back to Tammy. And you got John the Baptist leaping in the womb as his response to Jesus who is also in his mother's womb. And Pygmies jerking off the rain-forest by singing contrapuntal with their own echoes. And poor Skippy's in Mokum Aleph smoking hash and drinking a beer called Mother Superior with Merlin who is bitching about a new British Tax on pleasure boats and threatening to scuttle his yacht over the bones of the German Navy in Scapa Flow. Barber Perfect is excited and "popping Ps" in the remnants of his Low-German accent - and goddamn it - he wants Spinoza's skull back as well as the long bones. Pooler Jones responds to the antiphony by upping the ante: "Fuck you," he tells his brother, "we have the head of John the Baptist!" And by we he means Skippy - whom Barber calls Lucky - and the rest of Kenny La Roche.
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Shhh! Buttons like these at the bottom of the page will lead you to and thru the gods if you click on them. Caute - Caute, stuff like that is sub rosa by nature and bound to offend nearly everyone. | ||||||||||||||||
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